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Reflect on Applying Adult Learning Principles to PD

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "Reflect on Applying Adult Learning Principles to PD"

(00:00 - 00:32) Introduction

(00:33 - 05:29) Altering PD 

(05:30 - 07:21) Reflecting Using the Pappas Model

(07:22 - 08:09) Further Reflection

(08:10 - 08:47) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

Professional Development in the 21st Century – Teacher Reflection and Action. This Intercultural Development Research Association article reviews the importance of teacher reflection in professional learning. In addition, this resource includes useful questions to guide reflection.

Understanding Yourself and Increasing Your Professional Value through Self-Reflection. This article reviews strategies for self-reflection to improve self-efficacy, confidence, and skills in the workplace.