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Reflect on Standards Based Assessment and Grading

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Reflect on Standards Based Assessment & Grading

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;

Video Transcript

Notes on "Reflecting on Standards Based Assessment & Grading"

(00:00-00:50) Intro

(00:51-01:12) Objectives

(01:13-01:37) Review Marzano’s Teacher Evaluation Framework

(01:38-02:35) Pedagogical Strengths & Weaknesses

(02:36-03:40) Effectiveness of Lessons & Units

(03:41-04:46) Effectiveness of Strategies & Behaviors

(04:47-05:09) Review

(05:10-06:14) Reflection

Additional Resources

Reflections on Classroom Formative Assessments & Standards-Based Grading

The Marzano website offers a quick review of formative assessment practices, proficiency scales, focused feedback and best practice grading strategies.

 Teacher Self-Assessment Guide

NY State Department of Education Handbook on evaluation that connects Marzano's framework with reflective practices and activities for teachers designed to improve practices. This tool provides teachers with questions to evaluate their own practices as a teacher. Although the tool may seem long and cumbersome, the reflection components can be broken down. For example, if you were focusing on building a culture of thinking and learning in your classroom, you could just use the reflection section provided in dimension 4. You might also consider having a peer reflect on your teaching practices and use the tool to guide their feedback.