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Reflection and Reflective Learning

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn about why it's important to take time to reflect after completing a writing project. Specifically, this lesson will focus on:

Table of Contents

1. Reflecting as a Writer

Sometimes the process of figuring out who you are as a writer requires reflection, or determining what you were thinking and how your thinking changed over time, relative to key experiences.

Mature learners, like experienced writers, set goals and then achieve them by charting a course of action and making adjustments along the way when they encounter obstacles. They also build on strengths and seek reinforcement when weaknesses surface.

They’re not afraid to make mistakes (own them, even), and they know that struggle can be a rewarding part of the process. By equal measure, mature learners and writers celebrate their strengths and use them strategically.

In adopting a reflective position, you can emulate these practices by pinpointing both areas that work well and areas that require further help—all without losing sight of your goals.

big idea
Reflective writing helps you think through and develop your intentions as a writer. Leveraging reflective writing also creates learning habits that extend to any discipline of learning.

term to know
The process of relating what one has learned or gained from a particular experience.

2. Reflection Models

Educator Peter Pappas modified Bloom’s taxonomy, a popular learning framework, to focus on reflection. This “taxonomy of reflection,” starting from the bottom with "remembering" and building to the top with "creating," provides a structure for thinking about an educational experience:

A Taxonomy of Reflection
Creating: What should I do next?
Evaluating: How well did I do?
Analyzing: Do I see any patterns in what I did?
Applying: Where could I use this again?
Understanding: What was important about it?
Remembering: What did I do?

Educator Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano then modified Pappas’ taxonomy into a pyramid and expanded upon his reflection questions:

A pyramid depicting Tolisano's reflection questions from bottom up: 1. What did I do? 2. What was important about what I did? Did I meet my goals? 3. When did I do this before? Where could I use this again? 4. Do I see any patterns or relationships in what I did? 5. How well did I do? What worked? What do I need to improve? 6. What should I do next? What is my plan?

Using Pappas’ and Tolisano’s models can help you reflect on your learning, growth, and development as a reader, writer, and thinker in this course.

In this lesson, you learned that reflecting as a writer is important because it will help you understand what you did well and what you can improve on for future writing projects. You also learned about two reflection models that can help you as you engage in the reflection process.

Best of luck in your learning!

Source: This content has been adapted from Lumen Learning's "Reflection" and "Reflective Learning" tutorials.

Terms to Know

The process of relating what one has learned or gained from a particular experience.