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Reflection on Constructivist Theory in a Blended Learning Environment

Author: Katie Hou
Video Transcript

Notes on “Reflection on Constructivist Theory in a Blended Learning Environment”


(00:00-00:21) Introduction

(00:22-01:11) PBL, Constructivism and Blended Learning Recap

(01:12-01:37) Marzano’s Lesson Design Question

(01:38-02:05) Adapted Lesson Plan Review

(02:06-06:15) Plus Minus Delta applied to Blended Learning

(06:16-06:28) Reflection

(06:29-07:26) Conclusion

Additional Resources

Danielson Framework for Teaching

This site is dedicated to the Danielson Framework with specific suggestions for reflection aligned to the framework. In particular, you may find the link, Becoming a Reflective Practitioner, a helpful resource as it provides strategies that you can use as you engage in your own reflective practices.

A Framework for Good Teaching: A Conversation with Charlotte Danielson

In this post on the Education Week blog, Danielson speaks about the importance of reflection to improve teaching practice. Through the conversation, Danielson connects strategies for reflection with improving instructional strategies.