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Reflection: The Significance of Clear Expectation in Blended Learning Environment

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;

Video Transcript

Notes on "Reflection: The Significance of Clear Expectations in Blended Learning Environment"

(00:00-00:34) Intro

(00:35-00:39) Objectives

(00:40-05:15) Reflecting Using Marzano’s Framework Domain 6

(05:16-08:42) Reflecting Using Marzano’s Framework Domain 7

 (08:43-08:55) Review

(08:56-09:44) Reflection

Additional Resources

Behavioral Expectations in the Blended Learning Environment

This is an example of a set of behavior expectations from Enlace Academy which are clear and simple for students, parents and teachers to understand. The expectations can be used to build your own classroom expectations.

Montgomery County Public Schools: Classroom Culture

Scroll Down to How Is Culture Developed. This professional learning section provides teachers with step by step processes on how and why to build a strong classroom culture. In addition, the site connects culture to student achievement.