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Reflective Teachers and Coaches

Author: Ashley Sweatt

Source: Image of student, Public Domain, Image of hand writing, Public Domain,

Video Transcript

Notes on "Reflective Teachers and Coaches"


(00:00 - 00:10) Introduction

(00:11 - 00:28) What Will You Learn Today?

(00:29 - 01:00) What is a Reflective Teacher?

(01:01 - 02:36) How Can the Pappas Model of Reflection Be Applied?

(02:37 - 03:23) How Can the Hatton and Smith’s Model of Reflection Be Applied?

(03:24 - 03:57) What Did You Learn Today?

(03:58 - 05:25) Reflection


Additional Resources

Instructional Coaches Performance Assessment

This document from Newport News Pubic Schools outlines the responsibilities of the instructional reading coach. In addition, there is a professional rubric that clarifies the expectations for the instructional coach. These resources may be helpful in developing an evaluation system for instructional coaching in your organization.