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Reviewing Problem Based Learning

Author: Katie Hou

Source: PBL parts by I.D.E.A. Schools,; Steps of PBL by Katie Hou

Video Transcript

Notes on "Reviewing Problem Bases Learning"


(00:00-00:12) Introduction

(00:13-02:25) What is Problem Based Learning and its essential elements?

(02:26-03:35) PBL Steps

(03:36-04:34) Theory Behind Project Based Learning

(04:35-05:31) What is Project Based Learning?

(05:32-06:30) Why use PBL?

(06:31-06:48) Reflection

(06:49-07:14) Conclusion

Additional Resources

The Buck Institute

This is a comprehensive website dedicated to Project Based Learning. The site includes resources and examples, and the landing page provides an overview of Project Based Learning. By clicking on your role, you will find additional readings and resources to support you with the implementation and/or understanding of Project Based Learning.

Driving Question Facilitation 

This page focuses on developing driving questions for Project Based Learning. Included on this site are useful tools for teachers beginning this process and a concise sheet on developing driving questions.

Problem-Based Learning at University of Delaware

This website offers an overview of Problem Based Learning for teachers. In addition, if you click on the link on the right hand side of the site, you will find a clearinghouse of problems that you can you use with your class. By clicking on the Resources tab, you will find additional lessons and tools to use to implement Problem Based Learning in your classroom.