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Role of Teacher and Student in 1:1

Author: Katie Hou
Video Transcript

Notes on “Role of Teacher and Student in 1:1”


(00:00-00:30) Introduction and Essential Questions

(00:31-00:58) 1:1 Recap

(01:59-01: 50) Teacher’s Role

(01:51-062:16) Student’s Role

(02:17-02:58) 1:1 Classroom Roles vs. Traditional Classroom Roles

(02:59-05:25) Project Red 5 Examples of 1:1 Classrooms

(05:26-05:46) Reflection

(05:47-06:16) Conclusion

Additional Resources

5 Examples of Blended Learning Success

This Project Red article examines five examples of schools that have had success with blended learning.

The Role of Humans in Blended Learning

This post on the Education Week blog explores the seven roles that humans play in the blended learning environment, based upon research from the University of San Diego and the Create Lab.

Innovating toward Equity with Online Courses: Testing the Optimal “Blend” of In‐Person Human Supports with Low‐income Youth and Teachers in California

This study from the University of San Diego's Create Lab researches the role of teachers in preparing students for post-secondary institutions when the students are enrolled in online learning courses. According to the study, human teachers are needed for innovative pedagogy, creativity and relationships.