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Romanticism Period- Rima LIII by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer

Author: Lorena Arroyo Garcia

Author Gustavo Adolfo Becquer


Gustavo Adolfo Becquer was born February 17, 1836 and died December 22nd, 1870. He was a poet and and author of the late Romantic period, which is the period we've been covering the last few weeks. Now you have the opportunity to read one of his most known poems. Included is  also a video  which covers the Romantic period, you should already be an expert at this but it is there as a review. Furthermore, I've included a video that talks more about Becquer's life, please become familiar with this before reading the poem. At the end you will find a link to a big question on Google Docs form that will require a short answer. After that you will need to complete the multiple choice questions on here. 

18th Century: Romanticism Period/ Siglo XVIII: Epoca del Romanticismo

Becquer's Biography