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Sacramental Life Unit 2 Baptism

Author: Jon McGurran

Unit 2 Study guide

  1. What is a “type”?
  2. List three events from the Old Testament and explain how they are “types” for Baptism.
  3. What does the word baptize (baptizein) mean in Greek?  What kind of actions was it used to describe in the Old Testament?  In what way are these actions of the Old Testament similar to Baptism in the New Testament?
  4. Who are the Essenes, and what is one characteristic that they shared with Christians?
  5. What was the significance or meaning of the Baptism practiced by St. John the Baptist?
  6. If Jesus was sinless, why was he baptized by St. John the Baptist?
  7. What is sin?
  8. What are the effects of sin?
  9. Define Original Sin?
  10. How does Original Sin affect people today?
  11. What do we need in order to repair the damage of Original Sin in our lives?
  12. What is concupiscence?
  13. How is a person enabled to follow Christ in his or her actions?
  14. What is actual sin?
  15. Why do we commit actual sins?
  16. What is the source of salvation from sins?
  17. When did Jesus institute the Sacrament of Baptism?
  18. When did the Church begin to baptize?  Describe the event in a few words.
  19. What are the principle effects of Baptism?
  20. Why can baptism be received only once?
  21. If a validly baptized non-Catholic wishes to be received into the Catholic Church, must they be re-baptized?  Explain.
  22. What would happen if a person received the Sacrament without the proper dispositions?  For an adult, what would be the proper dispositions for Baptism?
  23. What is the difference between immersion and affusion?
  24. Why is water an effective sign for Baptism?
  25. What is the most usual method for Baptism in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church?  How long has this method of Baptism been practiced?
  26. What is the usual method for Baptism in the Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church?
  27.  What are the matter, form, and minister of Baptism?
  28. Who can baptize in the case of an emergency?
  29. What does it mean that Baptism is a Sacrament of Faith?
  30. Describe the process involved for an adult who wishes to be baptized.
  31. How is baptism still a Sacrament of Faith in the case of infants?
  32. What is the obligation undertaken by parents of the baptized child?
  33. Why should infants be baptized? When did the practice of infant baptism begin?
  34. Why would it be wrong for Christian parents to simply let their child make up their own mind? Compare this to other important decisions in a child’s life?
  35.  Why does infant Baptism require a post-baptismal catechumenate?
  36. What is meant by baptism of blood and baptism of desire?
  37. Is it possible for non-Christians to receive eternal salvation? Explain.
  38.  What happens to children who die without being baptized?
  39. In what ways is a baptized person expected to act differently?
  40. What is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults? (RCIA)
  41. What is the role of the godparents in a Christian Baptism?
  42. What must parents agree to before their child can be baptized? Why?
  43. What is the importance of a Christian name?
  44. What are two differences between Baptism in the Latin Rite and in the Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church?

D1 Baptism Prefigured in the Old Testament

Day 1 Baptism Prefigured in the Old Testament

1.) What three things will we discuss in this unit?
2.) Why is Baptism the basis and foundation of the Christian life?
3.) What does it mean to prefigure something?
4.) How does the story of Noah and the ark prefigure Baptism?
5.) How is Noah’s ark a type or prefigurement of the Church?
6.) How does the crossing of the Red Sea prefigure Baptism?
7.) How did the Chosen People crossing the River Jordan also prefigure Baptism?
8.) What is the origin of the word “Baptize”? What is the connection between “baptizein” and the Hebrew word “tabal”?
9.) What does it mean to say that water’s use in ritualistic practice allows the symbolic physical action to transcend into metaphysical reality?

D2 Institution of Baptism

1.) What were the two daily practices of the Essences? What did St. John the Baptist have in common with the Essences?
2.) How was his Baptism different from the Baptism of Christ?
3.) How were the Blood and water, which flowed from the side of Christ on the Cross, types of the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Baptism?
4.) Where and when did Christ institute the sacrament of Baptism?
5.) What words did Jesus use to institute the Sacrament of Baptism?
6.) What is justification?
7.) What is ex opera operato, and how does it apply to Baptism?
8.) Why can Baptism be received only once?
9.) What are the nine names for Baptism?
10.) What are the 13 effects of Baptism?






(For Thursday and Friday)

No Podcast tonight, study the list of 9 names and the list of 13 gifts/effects of Baptism. We will be using them in class. I want to give you more time to understand these concepts.

D3 Remission of Sin and Rites of Baptism

(Sorry for the delay, had some technical problems)

1.) Define Sin.
2.) What is Original sin, what are the effects it has on us and how does Baptism help?
3.) What are immersion and affusion?
4.) What is the form of Baptism?
5.) Who is the ordinary minister? Who can administer in emergency?
6.) What responsibilities do the parents of the Baptized infant freely accept?
7.) Why is the Christian home a domestic church
8.) What are the five petitions during the ceremony?
9.) Why can a non-Catholic not be a godparent?
10.) Try and list the 10 things that happen during the ceremony.

D4 Final Considerations of Baptism

**Note, take out number 25, 26 and 44 from the study guide. We did not cover it, and we will not have it on the test**

1.) What is the basic vocation of every Christian?
2.) What does it mean to say that Baptism is a Sacrament of Faith?
3.) In the case of children not capable of explicitly expressing their faith or of requesting Baptism, who makes the Profession of Faith?
4.) How old is the practice of infant Baptism?
5.) Why is infant Baptism the right of a parent?
6.) What does it mean when the Church teaches that baptism is necessary to be saved?
7.) Why is it not unreasonable to require Baptism for those who have heard the Gospel and understand that it is necessary for salvation?
8.) What does it mean that the Church is bound to the Sacraments but God is not?
9.) What is the Baptism of desire?
10.) What is the Baptism of Blood?

Reading assignment: (Due the day of the test)

I am providing you with three testimonies from the early Church in regards to Baptism. I want you to outline each of these three testimonies and tell me what is their teaching on Baptism. Your response should include all vital facts and outline the argument presented.

St. Gregory of Nazianzus
--"Baptism is God's most beautiful and magnificent gift. We call it gift, grace, anointing, enlightenment, garment of immortality, bath of rebirth, seal and most precious gift. It is called gift because it is conferred on those who bring nothing of their own, grace since it is given even to those who are guilty, Baptism because sin is buried in the water, anointing for it is priestly and royal as are those who are anointed, enlightenment because it radiates light, clothing since it veils our shame, bath because it washes and seal as it is our guard and the sign of God's Lordship.

St. Justin Martyr
--As many as are persuaded and believe that Christians teach and say is true, and undertake to be able to live accordingly are brought by us where there is water, and are regenerated in the same manner in which we were ourselves regenerated. For, in the name of God, the Father and the Lord of the universe, and of our Savior Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, they then receive the washing with water. For Christ also said, "Except you be born again, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."

St. Ignatius of Antioch
--If there is one God of the universe, the Father of Christ, "of whom are all things"; and one Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord, "by whom are all things": and also one Holy Spirit, who wrought in Moses, and in the prophets and apostles; and also one baptism, which is administered that we should have fellowship with the death of the Lord; and also one elect Church; there ought likewise to be but one faith in respect to Christ. For "there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is through all, and in all."