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Sec. 2.2 Properties of Functions

Author: Amy Scheer

Goals for Sec. 2.2

- Understand how to identify increasing, decreasing and constant intervals for a function

- Explain symmetry of a function as related to the x-axis, y-axis and the origin

- Identify if a function is even or odd

Review of Graphing Functions

In this video, we will graph two functions, a linear and a quadratic, to review our understanding of a graph through plotting points.

Increasing, Decreasing and Constant Intervals for a Function

In this video, we will define increasing, decreasing and constant intervals, and we will explore three examples related to behavior of functions.

Symmetry of Functions

An examination of symmetry about the x-axis, y-axis and the origin.

Even and Odd Functions

How to determine if a function is even or odd with examples.