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Seriously Minerals!

Author: Jason Ingram

Essential Minerals

As you look around, traces of minerals can be found all around you.

List of Minerals and Their Uses.

Over the years, Minerals have been used to make, fix, build, and create the world around use. To get a better idea of the various types of minerals their are and their uses, view the following........ Minerals and their uses

PowerPoint Slides About Minerals and Toothpaste.

Homework Activity

Using Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides, create 3 separate slides, providing images and the proof of connection your items has with the four minerals found in toothpaste.


In a quest to make a connection between the minerals we have around us and how they are use in our everyday lives, at your house/apartment, take a photo of and list 3 different items that consist of 1 or more of the four common minerals found in toothpaste.