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Shulman's Pedagogical Reasoning and Action Framework

Author: Katie Hou
Video Transcript

Notes on "Shulman's Pedagogical Reasoning and Action Framework


(00:00-00:16) Introduction

(00:17-00:35) Essential Questions

(00:36-00:51) Reminders

(00:52-01:25) Definition of Shulman's Pedagogical Content Knowledge

(01:26-03:24) Observable Classroom Behaviors

(03:25-06:44) Best Practices

(06:45-08:07) Using Shulman's framework in the Classroom

(8:08-08:31) Reflection

(08:32-09:06) Conclusion

Additional Resources

A Framework for Learning to Teach

This article ASCD article by Charlotte Danielson is a straightforward intersection between Shulman's framework and strong teaching and learning in the classroom as defined by Charlotte Danielson's Teacher Evaluation Framework.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge

This article by Matthew Koehler connects the work of Shulman to the TPACK Model. Koehler indicates that although Shulman does not include technology in his theories, it is the intersection of content and pedagogy that technology should support as a tool.