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Side Effects and Other Medication Questions

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn how to explain medication side effects and ask additional medication-related questions to patients. Specifically, this lesson will cover:
  1. Los Efectos Adversos/Secundarios (Side Effects)
  2. Más Preguntas Relacionadas con los Medicamentos (More Questions Related to Medication)

1. Los Efectos Adversos/Secundarios (Side Effects)

In the next course, you’ll learn how to discuss symptoms and conditions. In order to tell a patient about possible side effects, simply say, Esta medicina puede causar... (This medicine could cause...). Then, fill in the blank with any symptom/condition from the list you'll be introduced to in Course 6.


"Esta medicina puede causar dolor de cabeza" means, "This medicine can cause headaches."

2. Más Preguntas Relacionadas con los Medicamentos (More Questions Related to Medication)

The following chart presents additional questions and statements that will help you discuss medication with patients.

English Spanish Pronunciation
I am going to start an IV to give you medication for your condition. Voy a comenzar una IV para darle un medicamento y tratar su condición. boy ah koh-main-sar oo-nah ee bay pah-rah dar-lay oon may-dee-kah-main-toe ee trah-tar sue cone-dee-see-own
What medications, herbals, supplements, home remedies are you taking/have you taken? ¿Qué medicamentos, herbales, suplementarios, remedios caseros, está tomando o ha tomado kay may-dee-kah-main-tohs air-ball-ace sue-play-main-tah-ree-ohs ray-may-dee-ohs kah-say-rohs ace-tah toe-mahn-doe oh ah to-ma-doe
Have any of your medications changed? ¿Ha cambiado cualquiera de sus medicamentos? ah kahm-bee-ah-doe k'wall-key-air k'wall-key-air-ah day suess may-dee-kah-main-tohs
Yes. I'm allergic to (name of medication) / No. Si. Soy alérgico a (name of medication) / No. This is a patient response.
Yes. I'm taking (name of medication) Si. Estoy tomando (name of medication) This is a patient response.
Yes. I've taken (name of medication) Si. He tomado (name of medication) This is a patient response.
I quit taking (name of medication) because I am out of it. Dejé de tomar (name of medication) porque se me acabó. This is a patient response.
Yes, I cut back on (name of medication) because I am running low. Sí, reduje (name of medication) porque se me está acabando. This is a patient response.
No. No. This is a patient response.
I no longer take (name of medication). Ya no tomo (name of medication). This is a patient response.
I started taking (name of medication). Comencé a tomar (name of medication). This is a patient response.
Are you having any side effects? ¿Está padeciendo de un efecto secundario? ace-tah pah-day-see-ain-doe day oon ay-fake-toe say-coon-dah-ree-oh
What side effects are you having? ¿Qué efectos secundarios tiene? kay ay-fake-tohs say-coon-dah-ree-ohs tee-ay-nay
Nausea. Náusea. This is a patient response.
Vomiting. Vómito. This is a patient response.
Dizziness. Mareos. This is a patient response.
My heart seems to pound. Mi corazón parece saltar con todo latido. This is a patient response.
Rash. Sarpullido. This is a patient response.
What medications, including over-the-counter and herbs, do you take? ¿Qué medicamentos, incluyendo aquellos que no necesitan receta y hierbas, está tomando? kay may-dee-kah-main-tohs een-clue-yain-doe ah-kay-yohs kay no nay-say-see-tahn ray-say-tah ee yair-bahs ace-tah toe-mahn-doe
Are you allergic to any medicines? ¿Es alérgico(a) a cualquier medicamento? ace ah-lair-he-koh (kah) ah k'wall-key-air may-dee-kah-main-toe
Take the antibiotic until it is gone. Tome el antibiótico hasta que se acabe. toe-may ale ahn-tee-bee-oh-tee-koh ah-stah kay say ah-kah-bay
This medication is for... (nausea, vomiting, pain, hypertension, infection, constipation, diarrhea, heart rate). Este medicamento es para... (náuseas, vómito, dolor, hipertensión, infección, estreñimiento, diarrea, ritmo cardiaco). ace-tay may-dee-kah-main-toe ace pah-rah (nah-oo-say-ahs bow-me-tohs doe-lore, ee-pair-tain-see-own, een-fake-see-own, ace-train-ye-me-ain-toe, dee-ah-ray-ah, reet-mo car-dee-ah-koh)
Do you take any medications to go to sleep? ¿Toma un medicamento para dormir? toe-mah oon may-dee-kah-main-toe pah-rah door-meer
(Name of medication) is for your blood pressure and helps protect your kidneys. (Name of medication) es para la presión de su sangre y ayuda a proteger sus riñones. (Name of medication) ace pah-rah lah pray-see-own day sue sahn-gray ee ah-you-dah ah pro-tay-hair suess reen-yoh-nace
The pain medication (or medication for nausea) is being administered into your IV. El medicamento para el dolor (náuseas) es suministrado a través de su IV. ale may-dee-kah-main-toe pah-rah ale doe-lore (nah-oo-say-ahs) ace sue-me-knee-strah-doh ah trah-bace day sue ee bay
What medications did you take today? ¿Qué medicamentos tomó hoy? kay may-dee-kah-main-tohs toe-moe oh-ee
We are giving you medicine to help relieve the pain. Le estamos dando el medicamento para aliviar su dolor. lay ay-stah-mohs dahn-doe ale may-dee-kah-main-toe pah-rah ah-lee-bee-are sue doe-lore
The doctor wants you to take this medicine once a day for ten days. El médico / La médica quiere que usted tome este medicamento una vez al día por diez días. ale may-dee-koh / la may-dee-kah key-ay-ray kay oo-staid toe-may ace-tay may-dee-kah-main-toe oo-nah bace all dee-ah pour dee-ace dee-ahs
It is very important for you to take all of the medicine that the doctor orders. Es muy importante que usted tome todo el medicamento que el médico le receta. ace mo-ee eem-pour-tahn-tay kay oo-staid toe-may toe-doe ale may-dee-kah-main-toe kay ale may-dee-koh lay ray-say-tah
I need to instruct you on a medication change. Take (#) mg of your blood thinner, Coumadin, every day. We will redraw your blood on ____ (day of the week or date). Tengo que darle las instrucciones para el cambio del medicamento. Tome (#) mg (miligramos) de su anticoagulante, Coumadin, todos los días. Vamos a extraerle de nuevo la sangre el ____ (day of the week or date). tain-go kay dar-lay lahs een-strook-see-oh-nace pah-rah ale kahm-be-oh dale may-dee-kah-main-toe. toe-may (#) me-lee-grah-mohs day sue ahn-tee-koh-ah-goo-lahn-tay koo-mah-deen toe-dohs lohs dee-ahs bah-mohs ah ace-trah-air-lay day noo-ay-boh lah sahn-gray ale ____ (day of the week or date).

In this lesson, you learned how to inform patients of side effects that they may experience as a result of taking their medications. Additionally, you learned some more questions related to medication that will help you communicate necessary updates and instructions to patients.

¡Buena suerte!


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Source: This content has been adapted from "Spanish for Nurses" by Stephanie Langston.