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Significant Figures Part 1 (Accuracy, Precision, and Counting Sig Figs)

Author: Renee Haugen

Significant Figures--Instructions

You should have a yellow Power Notes sheet on accuracy and precision and significant figures. Watch the three videos and do your best to get down the definitions and rules asked for in the worksheet. When you come to class, we will get together to see what you figured out and make sure everyone is on the same page.

Be prepared to put your worksheet answers on the board!

YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS #8, 9, OR 10 FROM THESE VIDEOS! But feel free to use your textbook or the internet if you would like to get ahead.

Ultimately, the only way to get this down is to practice, practice, practice until it becomes second nature. Be sure to do the practice tutorial after the videos.

Good luck and have fun! I'm sure significant figures will be your all-time favorite topic in chemistry. ;-)

Power Notes--Accuracy, Precision, and Significant Figures

If necessary, print out this document with questions to answer regarding this lesson.


Source: Renee Haugen

Accuracy and Precision

Accuracy and Precision

Source: YouTube Matt Parker, standupmaths

Significant Figures, Part 1

Significant Figures--Determining the Rules

Source: Khan Academy YouTube

Significant Figures--Part 2

Getting the rules for significant figures down

Source: Khan Academy YouTube

Practice, Practice, Practice! Click on this link below to practice counting sig figs.