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Skill Acquisition Data Collection Forms

Author: Capella Partnered with CARD

what's covered
This lesson will explore skill acquisition data collection forms by defining and discussing the following:
  1. Paper Data Collection
    1. Discrete Trial Data Sheet
    2. NET Data Sheet
    3. Task Analysis Data Sheet
  2. Electronic Data Collection
    1. Mand Training
    2. DTT

1. Paper Data Collection

As previously discussed, there are many different types and styles of data collection forms. They can depend upon the company or school, BCBA, patient, environment, etc. These are a few examples of some of the skill acquisition data sheets that you may encounter. Your BCBA will let you know how to collect the data and what type of data to collect.

1a. Discrete Trial Data Sheet
Discrete Trial Data Sheet

On the following discrete trial data sheet, you would fill out the top part according to your patient and programming:

  • Under the Stimulus Presented column, fill out the specific stimulus that was presented to the patient.
  • In the Trial Data columns, circle whether the response was correct (C), no response (NR), or prompted (P).
  • In the Actual Response column, write the patient’s actual response to the SD.
  • In the Prompt Used column, fill in the type of prompt that you used.

Video Transcript

1b. NET Data Sheet
NET Data Sheet

On this NET data sheet, you would fill out the patient and program information on the columns on the left.

  • In the Target Skill column, you would list the skills being targeted in that lesson.
  • In the Scoring column, you would mark a + for a correct response and a – for an incorrect response.
  • In the Types of Prompts column, you would mark the type of prompt you gave the patient.

Video Transcript

1c. Task Analysis Data Sheet
Task Analysis Data Sheet

This type of data sheet is used to collect data on a task analysis. You would fill out the top sections with specific information about your patient and their program.

  • In the Steps column, list the steps for the specific task analysis.
  • In the remaining columns, you would fill out the patient’s response based on the scoring key at the bottom of the page.

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2. Electronic Data Collection

Here, you will find some examples of iPad data collection. Keep in mind that your BCBA will let you know how to collect the data and what type of data to collect.

2a. Mand Training
In the example below, you click on the “Mands” tab at the top left. Mands can be tracked by clicking on the green buttons. To add an occurrence with a prompt, click the “Prompt” button; track unprompted occurrences by clicking the “Occurrence” button.

Home Screen

Video Transcript

2b. DTT
The example below shows another form of data collection.

Step Description
Main Menu Main Menu
On the menu bar at the bottom of the page, select the DTT Sheets for the patient’s DTT data collection. Click on the individual activity or program to select it.
Individual Trial Data Collection Individual Trial Data Collection
In the individual trial data collection area, you can select the response type and prompt provided based on patient performance per trial.
Target Data Collection Target Data Collection
Select the “Give me the ____” to pull up the data collection for the target. By clicking the “New” button, you can create a new exemplar.
New Target 700pxt
Then, by clicking on the “Create new exemplar,” you can add an additional target.
NET Exemplar NET Exemplar
On this screen, you can select the NET Exemplar Sheets. Then, by clicking the “Actions” button, you will bring up various action targets the patient is working on.
Select Target Select Target
From here, you can select the specific target you are going to work on.

Video Transcript

In this lesson, you learned about skill acquisition data collection forms, noting many different types and styles of data collection forms, which will vary with the company or school, BCBA, patient, environment, etc. You explored examples of paper data collection forms, including a discrete trial data sheet and NET data sheet, as well as the type of data sheet used to collect data on a task analysis. You also reviewed examples of electronic data collection forms using an iPad, such as those used for tracking mands.