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Skill Repertoire Building II

Author: Capella Partnered with CARD

what's covered
This lesson will review the content from Unit 4: Skill Repertoire Building II by defining and discussing the following:
  1. Prompting and Fading
    1. Types of Prompting
    2. Errorless Learning
    3. Error Correction
  2. Shaping and Chaining
  3. Verbal Behavior
  4. Generalization and Maintenance

1. Prompting and Fading

To review, a prompt is a stimulus or “hint” presented in addition to the SD to assist the patient in providing a correct response.

The prompt differs from the SD in that the prompt does not stand on its own. You present a prompt with an SD to help the patient respond.

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1a. Types of Prompts
A physical prompt involves providing manual guidance to the patient to facilitate a correct response. There are two different types of physical prompts:
  • Full Physical: providing guidance the whole time, sometimes called “Hand over Hand"
  • Partial Physical: providing guidance for part of the performance of the skill

Here is a review of other types of prompts we have covered:

Type of Prompt Implementation
Gestural Prompt Gesturing in some way with your body to indicate the correct response to the patient, such as a point, head nod, or eye gaze to indicate the target stimulus
Model Prompt Providing a physical demonstration of the desired behavior for the patient to imitate
Echoic Prompt Providing vocal demonstration of the desired behavior for the patient to imitate
Directive Prompt Giving instructions to guide the patient’s behavior; may include textual, visual, or other verbal cues
Proximity Prompt Altering the location or placement of a stimulus to facilitate a desired response
Stimulus Manipulation Prompt Changing some aspect of the target stimulus (color, size, shape)
Visual or Textual Prompt Presenting a picture or object (visual) or word (textual) to the patient to evoke the correct response

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Remember that prompt fading is the systematic removal of a prompt across successive trials. It is the transfer of control of the behavior from the prompt to the SD/MO. With prompt fading, the prompts are gradually reduced until they are no longer needed for the patient to perform the skill independently.

Time delay prompts are prompts are faded using delays (progressive or constant) before the prompt is delivered.

1b. Errorless Learning
Errorless learning is a procedure used to teach a new skill involving the immediate prompting of the response during the initial teaching stages and systematic removal of prompts to avoid errors.

In errorless learning, we use most-to-least prompting, which is a fading procedure that uses stronger, more intrusive prompts during initial instruction and progressing to less intrusive prompts over time to enable success and independence.

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1c. Error Correction
Error correction is a procedure following an incorrect or non-response that assists the patient in providing a correct response in the presence of that particular SD/MO. This is used to decrease errors in the future.

Least-to-most prompting is a type of error correction procedure that involves the use of the least intrusive prompts for that skill, while gradually increasing the intensity of prompts if needed, until the patient is successful.

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No-no-prompt-repeat is another type of error correction procedure consisting of the delivery of a prompt following two unsuccessful trials or attempts at responding, correcting the error of a mastered skill.

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big idea
Recall that prompt dependency is where patients require prompting to perform a skill and the prompt cannot be faded successfully.

2. Shaping and Chaining

Shaping refers to systematically reinforcing successive approximations of a target behavior, while placing previous approximations on extinction.

Guidelines for shaping behaviors are

  1. Select the target behavior.
  2. Reinforce the initial behavior until it is under SD control.
  3. When the patient learns a better approximation, no longer reinforce the previous approximation.
  4. Continue until the patient learns the target behavior.
Chaining is a procedure that is used to teach behaviors that occur in sequences of two or more steps.

Here are some key terms to review related to chaining:

Key Term Definition
Task Analysis Breaking down a complex behavior into a sequence of components.
Forward Chaining This technique moves a patient from the first step to the last. Each step must be mastered before the next step in the skill series is added.
Backward Chaining This process focuses on the patient completing the last step in the sequence. This technique is used to give the patient quicker access to reinforcement.
Total Task Presentation A procedure used to teach all of the steps of the behavior chain during each presentation of the learning task. The behavior technician provides prompts throughout the sequence.

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3. Verbal Behavior

In review, receptive language refers to the ability to understand words and language, while expressive language is how a person uses language to communicate.

Verbal behavior is any behavior for which the reinforcement is mediated by another person, who has been trained to respond.

In ABA, “verbal” is not the same as “vocal.” Verbal behavior is behavior that results in reinforcement from another person.

Here are some key terms associated with verbal behavior:

Key Term Definition
Mand A request
Tact A comment about the environment
Echoic When a person “echoes” what you say
Intraverbal When the patient responds to the verbal behaviors of another person with a different but related verbal response

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4. Generalization and Maintenance

Generalization refers to when behavior change starts to occur in settings other than the instructional setting.

Types of generalization include these:

  1. Across stimuli, involving variations in instructions, materials, formats
  2. Across responses: skills or new responses that have the same function as the learned behavior emerge without being taught
  3. Across settings, involving learning to engage in a behavior (skill or response) across different locations
  4. Across people, referring to the ability to perform a learned skill or respond to cues from different people
Maintenance is the continued performance of a response after it was first learned.

To promote generalization and maintenance, we want to

  • Thin reinforcement schedules
  • Use naturally occurring reinforcement and stimuli
  • Practice skills in natural settings and with different people
  • Vary instructions, or SDs
  • Reinforce generalized skills when they occur, especially when they occur spontaneously without prompting
In this lesson, you reviewed the various types of prompting and fading, recalling that a prompt is a stimulus or “hint” presented in addition to the SD to assist the patient in providing a correct response. Next, you reviewed key terms and guidelines relating to shaping and chaining, as well as key terms associated with verbal behavior. Remember, in ABA, “verbal” is not the same as “vocal”: verbal behavior is behavior that results in reinforcement from another person. Lastly, you reviewed types of generalization, when behavior change starts to occur in settings other than the instructional setting, and ways to promote both generalization and maintenance, the continued performance of a response after it was first learned.