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SMART Goals and Improvement Tools

Author: Katie Hou
Video Transcript

Notes on “SMART Goals and Improvement Tools”


(00:00-00:11) Introduction

(00:12-01:34) What is a SMART goal?

(01:35-02:10) SMART goals and PLCs

(02:11-04:12) Other Tools: 1-5

(4:13-05:59) Other Tools: 6-10

(06:00-06:17) Reflection

(06:18-06:44) Conclusion


Additional Resources

Using SMART Goals to Raise Student Achievement

This presentation walks through the process of establishing SMART goals to improve student achievement. Dr. Bedden links the use of SMART goals to the PDSA cycle of inquiry. Imbedded within the presentation are activities to help practice the development of SMART goals.

Montgomery County Public Schools: Examples of PDSAs

This site instructs you how to use the PDSA cycle of inquiry. In addition, the site provides examples of practical applications for the classroom with images of the process in use in real settings.

Montgomery County Public Schools: 10 Basic Quality Tools for the Classroom

The 10 Quality Tools are a part of the Baldridge method of continuous improvement and quality performance. Montgomery County, as a Baldridge Award winning district, implements these tools to engage and empower teachers and students in continuous improvement efforts.