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Solving Inequalities With One Variable

Author: Shirley Beil

The following video is being made available with closed captioning at:

Solving Linear Inequalities

At the end of the first example, I used a closed circle for 7/2. It should have been an open circle as previously discussed.

The following video is being made available with closed captioning at:

Solving Quadratic Inequalities

* In the 2nd and 4th examples here the interval notation was correct but I shaded the interval between the x-intercepts on the number line instead of to the left of the leftmost and to the right of the rightmost! * In the 4th example, I said that the function was not factorable. I should have said "was not easily factorable!.

The following video is being made available with closed captioning at:

Solving Higher Degree Polynomial Inequalities

The following video is being made available with closed captioning at:


Solving Rational Inequalities

The following video will be available with closed captioning at:

Using Inequalities to Find Appropriate Inputs for Square Root Functions