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Solving Quadratic Equations by using the Quadratic Formula

Author: Parmanand Jagnandan

Introduction to the Quadratic Formula

This video introduces the quadratic formula and explains how it is based on completing the square.

Source: ChristinaPease

Prime Quadratics

This video discusses how to determine when to use the quadratic equation.

Source: ChristinaPease

Unreal Roots

This video introduces the concept of unreal roots.

Source: ChristinaPease

The Discriminant

This video introduces the discriminant and shows how to use it to determine the nature of the solutions to a quadratic equation.

Source: ChristinaPease

Using the Quadratic Formula

This video demonstrates how to use the quadratic formula to solve a quadratic equation.

Source: ChristinaPease

Practice Problems

This video demonstrates how to use the quadratic formula to solve 3 different example problems.

Source: ChristinaPease