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States of Matter (Ch. 8)

Author: Jason Fritz

Properties of Matter Pathway


Matter is all around us; in fact, you're looking at it right now! Everything we see on Earth is made up of matter - air, walls, streams, and giraffes. To understand everything we see and experience, we ask ourselves What is Matter?An easier question might be, "what isn't considered matter?" Everything on our planet consists of matter. Properties of Matter cover many areas in the Physical Sciences including measurements like Volume and Mass. One true thing about the world is that everything is always experiencing Physical and chemical changes. You can explore these changes in What is Chemistry? The next time someone asks, "What is the matter?" You can answer this question with scientific facts rooted in information from Sciences that focus directly on Properties of Matter.

1 What is Chemistry?

2 What is Matter?  

3 Volume and Mass

4 Physical and chemical changes


Chapter 8 States of Matter Lessons 1-3

Textures in the Sand

Chapter 8 Lesson 1 Bellringer


Source: McGraw-Hill; Physical iScience

Reading Coach - Chapter 8 Lesson 1: Solids, Liquids, and Gases


Source: McGraw-Hill; Physical iScience

Ch. 8 Lesson 1: Solids, Liquids, & Gases Worksheet


Physical Science for Children: All About Solids Liquids and Gases

In All About Solids, Liquids and Gases, young students will be introduced to the three common forms of matter. They'll learn that all things are made up of tiny particles called atoms and that the movement of these particles determines the form that matter takes. In solids, the particles are packed tightly together and move very little. The particles in liquids are more spread out and move faster. In a gas, the particles are spread even further apart and move even faster. Kids will also discover how matter can change from one form into another when energy is added or taken away. The terms melting point, freezing point and boiling point are introduced and clearly explained. Includes many real-life examples and colorful graphics, along with a fun, hands-on activity that demonstrates how different liquids evaporate at different rates.

Source: Schlessinger Science Library

States of Matter - Solid, Liquid & Gas |

Everything that has weight and occupies space is called matter. All matter is made from particles called atoms and molecules.

This matter can be classified into three states:-

Solid -- The molecules of solids are tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern. Solids do not flow, since their molecules are strongly attracted to each other.

Liquid -- Molecules in liquids are close together but not necessarily touching each other. There is no pattern as they randomly move about in all directions.

Gas -- Gases are made up of very loosely packed molecules that are largely spread out moving all over the flask.

Watch this video and understand about states of matter with the help of this animated learning module for kids.

Source: Mocomi Kids

States of Matter

This video is used by docents at CMA to show how glass can change from solid to fluid and back again. The artists at Jason Antol Studios in Columbus, Ohio, graciously performed the demonstrations on camera.
The 10-second on-screen countdowns allow visitors a chance to answer each question.
As used in the exhibition Chihuly Illuminated, the video is silent. Here it's presented with background music.

Source: columbusmuseum

Matter Mini Project (due May 26th)

Students get to choose the assignment of their choosing to best demonstrate their knowledge about matter. Students can earn up to 25 points on this project.

Students who choose to do the "Matter Mega Packet" can earn 20/25 points on the project.


Matter Mega Packet

Choice F on the Matter Mini Project. Students can earn 20/25 pts for packet


Source: McGraw-Hill; Physical iScience

Ch. 8 Lesson 2: Changes in State Worksheet


The Phase Changes of Water Song

Music: Hey, Soul Sister - Train

Source: Mr. Edmonds

Changing water- States of matter

Did you know that water is the only thing on earth that naturally occurs as a solid, liquid and gas?

This 5 minute video gives an entertaining and visual explanation of the three main states of matter and describes how water constantly moves through these states in the natural water cycle.

Source: Southeastwater

Phase Change Melt Ice and Heat Water Lab

Observe and record data on the phase change of ice to water to steam


States of Matter Video

4 States of Matter Song

Music: In The End -Linkin Park

Solid Liquid Gas - They Might Be Giants - official video

Source: Particle Man

Matter Properties Flow Chart - Notes


Wood, Water, and Properties: Crash Course Kids #15.1

Quick, think of three words to describe yourself. TIME'S UP! What did you think of? Chances are you thought of descriptive words that we call Properties. In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks about how properties help us understand objects.

Source: Crash Course Kids

The Science of Lunch: Crash Course Kids #15.2

Even an empty lunch sack is useful to science. You can examine it and come up with some traits. In this episode, Sabrina chats about things like malleability, hardness, conductivity, and magnetism. And all with lunch!

Source: Cra

Organizing Properties: Crash Course Kids #35.1

Have you ever thought about all the different kinds of groups you’re a part of? Like, there’s the friends you hang out with and your family, your hockey team, your Crash Course fan club, and that’s just for starters! And even though these groups are totally different, in each of them there’s something that all its members have in common.

We've learned that all objects---that is, all things made of /matter/--- have properties, qualities that make them different from one another.

Like, the metal water bottle we had in our lunch bag was a good conductor of heat, and the fruit strip was more malleable than the potato chip. Just like groups of people have major things in common, so do different materials. So how does that work? How can we group materials by their properties?

Source: Crash Course Kids

What's My Property: Crash Course Kids #35.2

What exactly can we tell about an unknown substance by it's properties. We already know that a substance is matter that’s made of one kind of atom or molecule, and that has specific properties and that some substances are elements, which means they can’t be broken down into other substances through physical changes or chemical reactions. We also know that we can group substances and elements by their properties like we found that all of the metal things from the bottom of my backpack were shiny and attracted to a magnet. So metals have high reflectivity and magnetivity. What else do we know about metals?

Source: Crash Course Kids

Chemical Changes: Crash Course Kids #19.2

We've talked about mixtures and solutions, solutes and solvents, but what about things that can't be undone? What about Chemical Changes? Would it surprise you to know that baking a cake is a Chemical Change? Or striking a match? In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks to us about how to tell if you have a chemical change on your hands.

Source: Crash Course Kids

Physical and Chemical Changes for Kids

You will learn about "Physical and Chemical Changes" in this video. A physical change is a change in which the appearance or the form of a substance changes, but the substance remains the same.

Ice on melting changes into water. Water on boiling changes into water vapour. Even though there are changes taking place, all the products formed are still forms of water. Hence, this is a physical change. If you take a glass plate and break it again and again into smaller pieces, they all are still parts of a plate. Hence, this is also a physical change.

A chemical change is a change in which a substance changes. A chemical reaction takes place and a new substance is formed.

Have you ever seen an old car lying somewhere for a very long time? Over time, chemical reactions take place on the car resulting in rusting. This is a chemical change. Also, when we light a matchstick, combustion reaction takes place. This is a chemical reaction and hence, the burning of a matchstick is a chemical change.

Source: Smart Learning for All

A Drive Through a Cloud

Chapter 8 Lesson 2 Warm-Up


Source: McGraw-Hill; Physical iScience

Why does ice float?

Why does ice float? You might not think about it, but this special property of frozen water is what makes your iced tea tinkle and makes a lot of aquatic life possible. Hank gets in touch with his inner Olaf to explain the wonder that is ice.

Source: SciShow

Why does ice float in water? - George Zaidan and Charles Morton

Water is a special substance for several reasons, and you may have noticed an important one right in your cold drink: ice. Solid ice floats in liquid water, which isn't true for most substances. But why? George Zaidan and Charles Morton explain the science behind how how hydrogen bonds keep the ice in your glass (and the polar ice caps) afloat.

Source: TedEd


Source: Vsauce

Bill Nye the Science Guy Phases of Matter


Science with Jasper Wrinkleskins

The Mpemba Effect with Jasper Wrinkleskins

The Mpemba Effect...Answered!

In this video, created for the 2012 Hermes competition for the Royal Society of Chemists, Dr. Doug Corrigan explains the solution to a question that has plagued mankind for over 2000 years - why does hot water freeze faster than cold water?

Source: riverstoneenergy

Why don't oil and water mix? - John Pollard

Salt dissolves in water; oil does not. But why? You can think of that glass of water as a big, bumpin' dance party where the water molecules are always switching dance partners -- and they'd much rather dance with a salt ion. John Pollard explains how two chemistry principles, energetics and entropy, rule the dance floor.

Source: TED-Ed

States of Matter Virtual Lab

Matter: Chemical and Physical Changes Interactive Labs

Source: Interactive Sites for Education

States of Matter Vocab

Safari Montage

Students sign into Safari Montage by using the same user name and password they would on the school's computers.

Bill Nye: Phases of Matter

Bill Nye the Science Guy explores the three phases of matter in this episode of the Emmy Award-winning Disney Channel series, featuring an interactive question-and-answer format and hands-on activities. In this episode, Bill takes viewers on a tour of a steel mill to help demonstrate that matter exists in three phases: solids, liquids and gases.

23 min 12 sec.

Bill Nye: Fluids

What do syrup, milkshakes, and air all have in common? They're all fluids, or stuff that can bend, squish, flow, move, dodge, or mosey out of the way without breaking or separating. This live-action, fast-paced program also features comedy, music videos, interviews with real scientists and hands-on experiments to make the concepts presented understandable and fun. 

21 min 45 sec.

Changes in Properties of Matter

All matter possesses certain properties -- mass, weight, volume and density. But what happens to these properties when the matter changes form? How does wood become ash when it burns? And how does ice cream change when it melts? Students will learn the difference between chemical and physical changes in this excellent introduction to the changes of matter. Fun, real-life demonstrations and a hands-on activity will help explain these concepts. One of 16 volumes in the Physical Science in Action Video Series in the Schlessinger Science Library. Part of the Schlessinger Science Library in Action Collection.

24 min 23 sec.

Changes in States of Matter

What happens when heat is added or removed from a substance? How does water cycle around Earth? In Changes in States of Matter, lab footage demonstrates the concept of phase change and energy. Viewers travel underground and into the atmosphere to examine phase changes related to the water cycle. Part of the multivolume Science Clips for Students series.

8 min 56 sec.


In Cooling, a visiting inventor and two young islanders, Olive and Troy, try to beat the heat on a hot summer day by cooling off in the river -- only to find that the Island's mammoth population has already beaten them to the water and there's no room left for the humans! Olive suggests that they build a machine to create a breeze for them. After tinkering in the inventor's workshop for a time, they apply what they learn about how refrigerators work and wind up building some machines that are really cool -- with no mammoths necessary! Part of the multivolume series The Way Things Work, based on the best-selling book by David Macaulay. 

13 min 33 sec.

Real WorldScience: Matter: Solids, Liquids and Gases

Featuring peer hosts, colorful graphics, animated sequences and detailed diagrams, this educational, live-action program explores the different properties of matter. Students will understand how environmental and human factors affect the world, and learn all about solids, liquids and gases.

14 min 16 sec.

States of Matter

How much do bubbles weigh? What happens when a liquid evaporates? In States of Matter, viewers learn about the properties of solids, liquids and gases, and observe real-life examples of these states of matter. Part of the multivolume Science Clips for Students series.

8 min 57 sec.

Source: Safari Montage