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Stem and Leaf Plots. And Histograms. And fun.

Author: Nate Muckley

Stem and Leaf Plots

Stem and Leaf plots are a tool for organizing a set of data. 

     With this plot, a T chart is made, with the digits in the tens place on the left, and all digits in the ones place are placed to the right.


It sounds confusing, but it's really quite easy.


Here is an example of a Stem-and-Leaf plot, the raw data is across the top:

          For example, with the numbers 12, 14, and 16, I put a 1 in the stem, and then I put in the

leaves of 2, 4, and 6.  With the stem-and-leaf plot, I was able to use less numbers, and now it is

easy to see where most of the data falls.

Source: Johnson, Robert Russell. Elementary Statistics. 6th ed. Boston: PWS-Kent Pub., 1992. Print.


A HISTOGRAM is another way of organizing data.

     It is a bar graph of the numbers you have: along the x-axis, you write ranges that the numbers fall in. 

The y-axis is labeled with how many numbers fall into each range.

Once again, the description is much more complicated than the actual graph.

Across the top is the raw data, and it is arranged into a histogram:

     With the histogram, I made a bar graph.  The X-axis has the data "buckets,"

or the range that number can fall into,

and the bars go as high as the number of data points (labeled on the Y-axis).  

This is a very graphic way of displaying the data in a stem-and-leaf plot.

I had three numbers that were between 0-4, so I had a bar on my 0-4 bucket that went three units high.

Source: Johnson, Robert Russell. Elementary Statistics. 6th ed. Boston: PWS-Kent Pub., 1992. Print.


The next 2 examples have a similar layout:

The numbers at the the top are the raw data.

Next is the Stem and Leaf plot.

Then it's a histogram of the same numbers.

Example 1

Example 2

Which is Correct: A, B, or C?

The answers are posted below

Match 'em up!

The answers are posted below
