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Author: Sophia

What's Covered

This lesson will cover anabolic steroids by looking specifically at:

  1. Anabolic Steroids and Their Use
  2. Side Effects

1. Anabolic Steroids and Their Use

You may have heard of anabolic steroids before; they have become quite popular in recent years for athletes who who use them as performance enhancers. Because of this, they are becoming illegal.

Anabolic steroids are something that people, like athletes or bodybuilders, will use in order to enhance their physical performance or to build muscle. The word "anabolic" refers to the ability to help build muscle. They are a synthetic substance that mimics testosterone, the male sex hormone. Steroids can be taken orally, or they can be injected.

Terms to Know

    • Anabolic Steroids
    • A substance that mimics testosterone used to build muscle and enhance physical performance.
    • Testosterone
    • The male sex hormone that is mimicked in many steroids.

2. Side Effects

Anabolic steroids can have very negative effects on the body. The liver is an organ specifically affected by steroids, as the use of steroids can lead to a condition called jaundice. Some other general effects that they can cause include infertility, baldness, high blood pressure, liver and kidney tumors, aggressive behavior, mood swings, and depression. Some of these can be life-threatening and irreversible.

Terms to Know

    • Jaundice
    • A disorder associated with liver function that can be caused by use of steroids.
    • Liver
    • An organ of the body often affected by the use of steroids.

There are also some side effects that are gender specific:

  • Male side effects may include reduced sperm count, increased risk of prostate cancers, development of breasts, and the risk of testicles shrinking
  • Female side effects can include growing facial hair, an abnormal menstrual cycle, a deepened voice, and baldness.


Anabolic steroids are a synthetic substance that mimics testosterone. They are used by those looking to enhance their muscle growth, such as athletes and bodybuilders. Steroids are illegal and have many negative side effects. They can have a large impact on the liver, leading to conditions such as jaundice. They also can cause different side effects depending on a person’s gender.

Keep up the learning and have a great day!


Terms to Know
Anabolic Steroids

A substance that mimics testosterone used to build muscle and enhance physical performance.


A disorder associated with liver function that can be caused by use of steroids.


An organ of the body often affected by the use of steroids.


The male sex hormone that is mimicked in many steroids.