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Author: Lyneene Orsini

Introduction to PNF stretching



  • PNF (Hold-Relax) Chest Stretch – kneel comfortably with full knee flexion on the mat, torso erect. From AP (anatomical position), abduct both humerus and place hands behind your head. Partner standing comfortably behind you, fee together.
  • Begin the Chest Stretch by a passive pre-stretch (horizontal abduction) that is held at the point of mild discomfort for 10 s.
  • The partner applies a horizontal abduction force (pulling back) and you are required to “hold and don’t let me move the arms” while you “hold” and resist the movement so that an isometric muscle action occurs and is held for 6 s.
  • Then relax, and perform another passive stretch, holding it for 30 s. You should be able to stretch further on the second passive stretch. 



  • PNF (Hold - relax) Shoulder Stretch – kneel comfortably on the mat with knees at 90o, torso erect. From AP (anatomical position), abduct both humerus to horizontal to the floor, forearm pronated or supinated. Partner standing comfortably behind you, one foot forward, one back.
  • Begin the Shoulder Stretch by a passive pre-stretch (horizontal abduction) that is held at the point of mild discomfort for 10 s.
  • The partner applies a horizontal abduction force (pulling back) and you are required to “hold and don’t let me move the arms” while you “hold” and resist the movement so that an isometric muscle action occurs and is held for 6 s.
  • Then relax, and perform another passive stretch, holding it for 30 s. You should be able to stretch further on the second passive stretch. 

Groin without partner


  •  PNF (Hold – Relax) Groin Stretch – sit comfortably on a mat on the floor and put the soles of the feet together. Hold onto your toes. Gently pull yourself forward, bending from the hip until you feel a good stretch in your groin. Hold for 10 s. 
  • Apply a slight resistance with your hands on the insides of opposite thighs and try to bring the knees together by contracting the muscles in the groin. “Hold and don’t move the thighs” while you “hold” and resist the movement so that an isometric muscle action occurs and is held for 6 s.
  • Then relax, and perform another passive stretch, holding it for 30 s. You should be able to stretch further on the second passive stretch. 


  • PNF (Hold-Relax) Hamstring Stretch – lie on the mat, supine position. With left lower limb outstretched, comfortably flex the right lower limb. Upper limbs comfortably by your side.

  •  Partner kneels with one leg across your lower left limb, torso erect. Left hand on your right heel (to provide resistance), right hand over the right patella (to resist flexion).

  • Begin the Hamstring Stretch by a passive pre-stretch (thigh flexion) that is held at the point of mild discomfort for 10 s.

  • The partner applies a hip flexion force (pushing forward) and you are required to “hold and don’t let me move the leg” while you “hold” and resist the movement so that an isometric muscle action occurs and is held for 6 s.

  • Then relax, and perform another passive stretch, holding it for 30 s. You should be able to stretch further on the second passive stretch



  • PNF (Hold-Relax) Calf Stretch – sit comfortably on the mat, torso erect, lower limbs extended and together. Hands placed comfortably beside the knees on the mat.
  • Partner kneeling on the mat in front of you, knees in approx 90oflexion, and hips slightly flexed and hands ready to hold your toes.
  • Begin the Calf Stretch by a passive pre-stretch (dorsiflexion) that is held at the point of mild discomfort for 10 s.
  • The partner applies a dorsiflexion force (pushing forward) and you are required to “hold and don’t let me move the feet” while you “hold” and resist the movement so that an isometric muscle action occurs and is held for 6 s.
  • Then relax, and perform another passive stretch, holding it for 30 s. You should be able to stretch further on the second passive stretch.