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Strong vs. Weak Verbs

Author: Ms. K

An Overview of Strong and Weak Verbs

Believe it or not, there are many types of verbs.

  1. Action Verbs (run, jump, think, eat, love)
  2. Linking Verbs (is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been, become, became, seems, sounds, feels, tastes, looks)
  3. Helping Verbs (linking verbs that support an action verb: is running, will be eating, have wondered)


STRONG VERBS are action verbs. WEAK VERBS are not.

STRONG VERBS improve writing by directing the action of the sentence. WEAK VERBS do not.

STRONG VERBS give specific action and keep writing active rather than passive. WEAK VERBS do not.


Check out the difference.

WEAK: I am bored.
STRONG: Boredom fills my entire being.

WEAK: The man was learning how to use active verbs.
STRONG: The man learned how to use active verbs.

WEAK: My complaints are unheard.
STRONG: No one listens to my complaints.


Source: Made by Ms. K

An Overview of Strong and Weak Verbs - Audio

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