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Student-Center Learning

Author: Michael Porterfield

Student-Centered Education and Flipping the classroom

At the heart of flipping the classroom is student-centered learning. You can't have a flipped classroom without student-centered learning. The two go hand and hand. 

This module explains the two concepts and how they are related. 

Student-centered Learning explained

An excellent video on explaining student-centered learning. Presenter states that what students in the classroom relevant to their practical lives.

Does technology come first in flipping the classroom?

By flipping the classroom, it is only done by using technology, but the technology should not be the focus on the teaching and learning process. The student should be the center of this process. this video introduces again the concept of student-centered learning and how can technology support the student's learning.


This is the end of this tutorial. I hope you have learned a little bit more and have been able to:

  • learn more about student-centered learning
  • explain how flipping the classroom is student-centered
  • provide examples of how technology can be used in student-centered learning, especially through webquests
  • to see how technology is at the service of the teaching and learning process

Technology or the videos of the flipped classroom should never be the center of the teaching and learning process. The students and their learning is the center of this process. 

This tutorial is just a brief look into this topic.