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Teacher Evaluation, Controversial Topics

Author: Trisha Fyfe

Source: Image light, Public Domain,; Image red pencil/evaluation, Public Domain,

Video Transcript

Notes on “Teacher Evaluation, Controversial Topics”


(00:00- 00:20) Introduction/Objectives

(00:21- 00:49) Why is Teacher Evaluation Controversial?

(00:50- 02:02) Concerns Revealed by Educational Research 

(02:03- 03:15) Concerns of State Educational Agencies (SEAs)

(03:16- 04:39) Concerns with Value-Added Models (VAMs)

(04:40- 05:45) Concerns with Incentive Pay

(05:46- 06:25) Career Ladders

(06:26- 06:54) Recap 

(06:55- 07:23) Reflection