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Teacher Standards and their relevance for Teacher Evalaution

Author: Trisha Fyfe

Source: Image light, Public Domain,; Image of a survey/checklist, Public Domain,

Video Transcript

Notes on “Teacher Standards and Their Relevance for Teacher Evaluation”


(00:00- 00:23) Introduction/Objectives

(00:24- 01:04) Why Teacher Evaluations and Standards?

(01:05- 01:16) Role of Teacher Evaluation and Standards 

(01:17- 01:55) What are the InTASC Standards?

(01:56- 02:15) InTASC Domains and Standards

(02:16- 03:29) What are National Board Teacher Standards?

(03:30- 04:09) 5 Core Propositions of National Board Teacher Standards

(04:10- 04:39) Recap 

(04:40- 05:20) Reflection 

Additional Resources

Certificates, Standards, and Instructions for First-time Candidates

These are the National Board Certified Teacher certification areas and their related standards.