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Technology to support collaborative teaching and learning

Author: Trisha Fyfe

Source: Image of light bulb, Public Domain,; Images of screen shots, Trisha Fyfe

Video Transcript

Notes on “Technology to Support Collaborative Teaching and Learning”


(00:00- 00:36) Introduction/Objectives

(00:37- 02:16)  Google Apps

(02:17- 03:34) LMS: Learning Management Systems

(03:35- 03:54) Backchannel

(03:55- 04:28)  Social Media

(04:29- 04:43) Recap

(04:44- 05:34) Reflection  

Additional Resources

A Teaching with Technology White Paper: Collaboration Tools 

This white paper focuses on the use of technology based collaboration tools in the classroom. Check out the easy to follow infographic on page 3 that connects technology, PBL, and collaboration.

A Rich Seam: How Pedagogies Find Deeper Learning

This white paper explores the intersection of pedagogical strategies, technologies, and systems to improve instruction. Of particular relevance are "Chapter Three: The New Pedagogies - Deep Learning Tasks" and "Chapter Four:
The New Pedagogies - Digital Tools and Resources."