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Test Statistic

Author: Ryan Backman
Video Transcript
Terms to Know
Critical Value

A value that can be compared to the test statistic to decide the outcome of a hypothesis test


The probability that the test statistic is that value or more extreme in the direction of the alternative hypothesis

Test Statistic

A measurement, in standardized units, of how far a sample statistic is from the assumed parameter if the null hypothesis is true

Formulas to Know
Test Statistic

fraction numerator s t a t i s t i c space minus space p a r a m e t e r over denominator s tan d a r d space d e v i a t i o n space o f space s t a t i s t i c end fraction

z-statistic of Means

z space equals space fraction numerator x with bar on top space minus space mu over denominator begin display style bevelled fraction numerator sigma over denominator square root of n end fraction end style end fraction

z-statistic of Proportions

z space equals space fraction numerator p with hat on top space minus space p over denominator square root of begin display style bevelled fraction numerator p q over denominator n end fraction end style end root end fraction