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The Butterfly Life Cycle

Author: Chanry Sok

Big question:

Do all insects life cycle follow the same stages as the butterfly life cycle?

Four Stages of the Butterfly Life cycle

View the link about The Butterfly Life Cycle.

Life Cycle of a Butterfly Metamorphosis

A song by Jack Hartmann about life cycle of a butterfly metamorphosis

Source: Hartmann, Jack (2015). Life Cycle of a butterfly. Youtube.

Insect life cycle

Different insects life cycle including butterfly, moth, beetle, and more


Source: Insect life cycle. Reading A-Z. Web. April 20, 2016. file:///C:/Users/csok/Downloads/insectlifecycle%20(2).pdf

The Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle

The article about the life cycle of a butterfly, its migration and reproduction, puppets show, vocabularies, and activities


Source: Butterfly: The Story of a Life Cycle Study Guide. Hudson Vagabond Puppets. Web. April 20, 2016.