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The Glass Castle

Author: lauren paine

Glass Castle Intro

Answer each question as honestly as possible. In class, we will discuss your answers. Be prepared to explain and support your opinions.

The Glass Castle - pre-reading questionnaire

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

Prereading Guide

Mark whether each statement is true or false.  Provide a reason or example that supports your response.


1. Digging through trash makes you a gross person.                           T          F

2. If parents curse in front of their children, they

are bad parents.                                                                                           T          F

3. Good qualities in a person can overcome the bad qualities.           T          F

4. Homelessness is a choice.                                                                    T          F

5.People should be proud of parents no matter what.                          T          F

6. People should never condemn our parents.                                      T          F

7. Good parents give their children the best.                                          T          F

8. Children with rough childhoods grow up to be                                  T          F

“rough” adults.

9. There is a lot to learn from reading/thinking about                            T          F

the hardships of another human being.

The Glass Castle