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The Role of Color

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn more about how color can impact a presentation. Specifically, this lesson will cover:
  1. Introduction
    1. Useful Suggestions for Using Color
  2. The Psychology of Colors

1. Introduction

When properly used, colors should draw attention to the important terms or concepts in your presentation. They can also create emotion. Color should be consistently used throughout the design of the visuals to achieve these goals.

Learners and audiences are more attracted to colors and may find presentations without color to be boring. Some presenters change up their color schemes regularly to prevent their presentations from becoming too monotonous. You can also change the shades of your colors.

Color can be used in a presentation to get the audience's attention.

One disadvantage of using color is that individuals who are color-blind may miss out on some information in certain colors. Using certain shades, and using them consistently, can eliminate this problem.

term to know
Of a person or animal, unable to distinguish between two or more primary colors (usually red and green).

1a. Useful Suggestions for Using Color

1. Be consistent with the use of colors.
2. Use color to highlight a difference or change.
3. Try to keep color use to a minimum; each color should communicate necessary information.
4. Make sure that there is a good contrast between the background and the color of the text to allow the learner to read the text easily.
5. Use color for clarity and emphasis, not for decoration.

2. The Psychology of Colors

It may also be useful to apply some color psychology when choosing which colors to use. Basic internet research uncovers a whole host of analysis on the meanings of different colors.

Something else to consider is that on flip charts, blue, black, and green inks have the best visibility. People say that blue is the most pleasing color to view. Red comes in second, even though it is not the most visible. But too much red can be too strong. Avoid using purple, yellow, pink, and brown, which can be more difficult to see.

When creating graphs, bright colors will bring focus to a small graph while subtle colors will keep a large graph from overwhelming the audience.

In this lesson, you learned that one of the disadvantages of using color is that individuals who are colorblind may miss out on some information in certain colors. Thus, do not "waste" information by using unnecessary colors. It may also be useful to apply some color psychology when choosing which colors to use.

Terms to Know

Of a person or animal, unable to distinguish between two or more primary colors (usually red and green).