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The Sun's Energy and How it Helps Us

Author: Emily Gianelli

Space Science: The Sun and its Influence on Earth

How does the Sun's Energy get to us?

How Do Animals use Sunlight?

Click this link to read a brief article about the different ways plants and animal use sunlight in their daily lives. 

What does the food chain look like?

A food chain typically looks something like this:

Top Level Consumers (Carnivores like Cheetahs, hawks, and wolves)

Secondary Consumers (Smaller Carnivores like snakes)

Primary Consumers (Herbivores such as rabbits, moose, and deer)

Producers (Plants)

Decomposers (insects)

But where does the food chain start? With the sun, of course! ALL sources of energy come down to the plants and their absorption of sunlight. Herbivores eat plants for energy, and carnivores eat those herbivores for their energy.