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Topic 4-5 Writing Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Author: Mary Selcer

Unit 4 Concept 5 Writing equations of Parallel and Perpendicular

Watch the video closely.  This concept is a review of algebra 1.  We are writing equations of lines that are parallel and perpendicular to a line you are given.  Read the steps below first before watching the video.

1.  First, I solve the given equation for "Y" if it is not in slope intercept form so I can find the slope

2.  Second, I find the needed slope.    Parallel---same slope    Perpendicular----opposite flipped

3. Third,   Use the slope I need and the point I am given to plug into  y = mx + b and SOLVE FOR "b"

4.  Finally write your new equation with you new slope and new b.


Topic 4-5 Writing the Equation of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Source: Created by Mary Selcer