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Using Data to Guide Improvement

Author: Ashley Sweatt

Source: Image of boy writing, Public Domain,

Video Transcript

Notes on "Using Data to Guide Improvement"


(00:00 - 00:11) Introduction

(00:12 - 00:32) What Will You Learn Today?

(00:33 - 01:24) How is Data Related to Teacher Evaluation?

(01:25 - 02:35) How is Data Collected?

(02:36 - 04:07) How Should Student Data be Examined?

(04:08 - 06:29) What are the Steps in Establishing an Improvement Plan?

(06:30 - 07:04) What Did You Learn Today?

(07:05 - 07:32) Reflection

Additional Resources

Using Data to Guide Instruction and Improve Student Learning

This article examines best practices in reviewing student data to guide and improve student learning. In addition, the article includes some practices in use by states in the Southern region of the US.

Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making

This guide includes tables, exemplars, and best practices for using student data individually and as a learning community to improve student achievement and instructional practices.