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Using Scales and Rubrics to assess standards based assignments

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Using Scales & Rubrics to Assess Standards-Based Assignments

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;

Video Transcript

Notes on "Using Scales & Rubrics to Assess Standards-Based Assignments"

(00:00-00:30) Intro

(00:31-00:53) Objectives

(00:54-02:18) Review Proficiency Scales

(02:19-05:59) Sample Rubric using iRubric

(06:00-07:16) Student & Teacher Tracking

(07:17-08:39) Exploring Student & Teacher Tracking Using Infinite Campus

(08:40-09:04) Review

(09:05-09:51) Reflection

Additional Resources

Standards-Based Learning Teacher Handbook

This comprehensive handbook instructs teachers on how and why to use standards based grading. Instructions for the development of proficiency scales and rubrics are included in this document. In addition, there are templates for ease of teacher use.