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Vaccinations and Immunization

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn how to discuss vaccinations with patients in order to ensure that they know what to expect when receiving them. Specifically, this lesson will cover:
  1. Types of Vaccines
  2. Screening Questions
  3. Patient Questions and Answers
  4. Administration of the Vaccine
  5. Aftercare
  6. Clinical Trial Questions and Answers

before you start
Watch the following video to get a preview of the vocabulary you will be learning in this lesson. You will have a chance to practice this material later, once you have progressed through the lesson.

1. Types of Vaccines

The following chart shows the names of common types of vaccines, as well as some basic vaccination-related language in Spanish.

English Spanish Pronunciation
vaccine una vacuna oo-nah bah-koo-nah
receive a vaccine recibir una vacuna ray-see-beer oo-nah bah-koo-nah
administer an injection administrar una inyección ahd-me-knee-strahr oo-nah een-yake-see-own
administer a vaccine administrar una vacuna ahd-me-knee-strahr oo-nah bah-koo-nah
give a vaccine darle una vacuna
ponerle una vacuna
dar-lay oo-nah bah-koo-nah
poe-nair-lay oo-nah bah-koo-nah
A vaccine for ("against")… una vacuna contra… oo-nah bah-koo-nah cone-trah…
...the flu …la gripe / la influenza …la gree-pay / …la een-flu-ain-sah
…shingles …la culebrilla
…el herpes zóster
…la koo-lay-bree-yah
…ale air-pace so-stare
…pneumonia …la pulmonía …oah pool-mo-knee-yah
…Tdap …la tos ferina (Tdap) …la tohs fay-ree-nah (tay-dahp)
…hepatitis A …la hepatitis A …la ay-pah-tee-tiece ah
…hepatitis B …la hepatitis B …la ay-pah-tee-tiece bay
…hepatitis A and B …la hepatitis A y B …la ay-pah-tee-tiece ay ee bay
…meningitis …la meningitis …la main-een-he-tiece
…meningitis (group B) …la meningitis (grupo B) …la main-een-he-tiece (groo-poh bay)
...chickenpox …la varicela …la bah-ree-say-la
...TD (booster) …el tétanos y la difteria (una dosis de refuerzo) …ale tay-tah-nohs eel ah deef-tay-ree-ah (oo-nah doe-sees day ray-f’wair-so)
...HPV …el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) …ale bee-ruse dale pah-pee-loh-mah oo-mah-no (bay pay ah-chay)
…MMR …la sarampión, rubeola, y pariotiditis (SRP) …la sah-rahm-pee-own, roo-bay-oh-la, ee pah-ree-oh-tee-dee-tiece (ay-say ay-ray pay)
…COVID-19 …la COVID diecinueve / …la coronavirus …la koh-beed dee-ay-see-new-ay-bay / …la koh-roh-nah-bee-ruse
This is the Shingrix® vaccine. Esta es la vacuna Shingrix®. ace-tah ace la bah-koo-nah sheen-greeks
This is the Pneumovax-23® vaccine. Esta es la vacuna Pneumovax-Veintitrés®. ace-tah ace la bah-koo-nah nay-oo-mo-vax vain-tee-trace
Do you prefer the pneumococcal conjugate Prevnar®? ¿Prefiere el conjugado pneumocócico Prevnar®? pray-fee-air-ay ale cone-who-gah-doe nay-oo-mo-koh-see-koh prave-nahr

2. Screening Questions

The following chart provides Spanish translations of some essential screening questions that you will need to ask patients before they receive a vaccine.

English Spanish Pronunciation
Are you now or could you be pregnant? ¿Ya está o pudiera estar embarazada? yah ace-tah oh poo-dee-air-ah ace-tar aim-bah-rah-sah-dah
When was your last menstrual period? ¿Cuándo tuvo / fue su último periodo menstrual? k'wahn-doe too-bow / f'way sue ool-tee-mo pee-ree-oh-doe main-stroo-all
Are you (is he/she) allergic to any medicine? ¿Es usted (él/ella) alérgico/a a cualquier medicina? ace oo-staid (ale / ay-yah) ah-lare-he-koh/kah ah k'wall-key-air may-dee-see-nah
Are you allergic to any food? ¿Es usted (él/ella) alérgico/a a cualquier comida? ace oo-staid (ale / ay-yah) ah-lair-he-koh/kah ah kwall-key-air koh-me-dah
Are you allergic to… ¿Es usted (él/ella) alérgico/a a… ace oo-staid (ale / ay-yah) ah-lair-he-koh/kah ah…
…nuts ...las nueces ...las n’way-sace
…eggs ...los huevos ...los way-bohs
…soy soja …la so-hah
…shellfish …los mariscos …lohs mah-rees-kohs
Are you allergic to latex? ¿Es usted alérgico/a al látex? ace oo-staid ah-lair-he-koh/kah all la-takes
Have you had an allergic reaction to a vaccine before? ¿Ha tenido alguna reacción alérgica a cualquier vacuna antes? ah tay-knee-doe all-goo-nah ray-ahk-see-own ah k’wall-key-air bah-koo-nah ahn-tace
Have you suffered from seizures before? ¿Ha sufrido de convulsiones antes? ah sue-free-doe day cone-bool-see-own-ace
Do you have a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome? ¿Tiene una historia del síndrome de Guillain-Barré? tee-ay-nay oo-nah seen-droh-may day guee-yahn bah-ray
Do you take an anticoagulant medication? ¿Toma algún medicamento anticoagulante? toe-ma all-goon may-dee-kah-main-toe ahn-tee-co-ah-goo-lahn-tay
Have you ever fainted when receiving a vaccine? ¿Se ha desmayado cuando recibió una vacuna? say ah dace-my-yah-doe k’wahn-doe ray-see-bee-oh oo-nah bah-koo-nah
You will need to lie down while I administer the vaccine. Necesitará acostarse mientras le administro / inyecto la vacuna. nay-say-see-tah-rah ah-ko-star-say me-ain-trahs ahd-me-knee-strow / een-yake-toe la bah-koo-nah
In the past two weeks, have you tested positive for COVID-19 or are you currently being​ monitored for COVID -19?​ ¿En las últimas dos semanas, ha dado positivo por COVID-19 / la coronavirus o está siendo monitoreado/a actualmente por COVID-19? ain lahs ool-tee-mahs dohs say-mah-nahs ah dah-doe poe-see-tee-bow pour co-bead dee-ace-ee noo-ay-bay / lah co-row-nah-bee-roose o ace-tah see-ain-do mo-knee-toe-ray-ah-doe/dah ahk-too-all-main-tay pour co-bead dee-ace-ee noo-ay-bay
In the past two weeks, have you had contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19? ¿En las últimas dos semanas, ha estado en contacto con una persona que ha dado positivo por COVID-19 / la coronavirus? ain lahs ool-tee-mahs dohs say-mah-nahs ah ace-tah-doe ain cone-tahk-toe cone oo-nah pair-so-nah kay ah dah-doe poe-see-tee-bow pour co-bead dee-ace-ee noo-ay-bay lah co-row-nah-bee-roose
Do you currently or have you in the past (#) days, experienced the new onset of… ¿Tiene ahora o ha comenzado a tener en los últimos (#) días... tee-ay-nay ah-oar-ah oh ah koh-main-sah-doe ah tay-nair ain lohs ool-tee-mohs (#) dee-ahs…
…a fever …una fiebre oo-nah fee-ay-bray
…chills …los escalofríos …lohs ace-kah-lo-free-ohs
…cough …una tos oo-nah tohs
…shortness of breath …la falta de aire fall-tay day eye-ray
…difficulty breathing …la dificultad en respirar …la dee-fee-cool-todd ain race-pee-rar
…fatigue …la fatiga …la fah-tee-gah
…muscle aches …el dolor muscular …ale doe-lore moose-koo-lahr
…headache …el dolor de cabeza …ale doe-lore day kah-bay-sah
…new loss of taste or smell …una pérdida inicial del sentido del gusto o del olfato oo-nah pair-dee-dah ee-knee-see-all dale sane-tee-doh dale goose-toe oh dale ohl-fah-toe
…sore throat …el dolor de garganta …ale doe-lore day gar-gahn-tah
…nausea …la náusea …la now-see-ah
…vomiting …los vómitos …lohs bow-me-tohs
…diarrhea …la diarrea …la dee-ah-ray-ah

Please refer to current CDC recommendations and change any phrases accordingly. Refer to numbers in Course 4 in order to change the number of days or weeks. Refer to symptoms in Course 6 in order to add symptoms the list of screening questions.

3. Patient Questions and Answers

The following chart provides some answers you can give to common patient questions regarding vaccinations.

English Spanish Pronunciation
The vaccine is safe and effective. La vacuna es segura y efectiva. la bah-koo-nah ace say-goo-rah ee ay-fake-tee-bah
This vaccine is required in order to attend public school. Para poder ir a la escuela, se requiere recibir esta vacuna. pah-rah po-dair ear ah la ace-k’way-lah, say ray-key-ay-ray ray-see-beer ace-tah bah-koo-nah
Vaccines do not cause autism. Las vacunas no causan el autismo. lahs bah-koo-nahs no kah-oo-sahn ale ow-tees-mo
Why do I have to wait 15 minutes after getting the shot? ¿Por qué tengo que esperar 15 minutos después de que reciba la vacuna? This is a patient question.
Since this is the first time receiving this vaccine, we request that you wait 15 minutes to be sure you tolerate it. Ya que esta es la primera vez que recibe esta vacuna, le pedimos que espere quince minutos para asegurar que su cuerpo la tolera. yah kay ace-tah ace la pre-may-rah bace kay ray-see-bay ace-tah bah-koo-nah, lay pay-dee-mohs kay ace-pay-ray keen-say me-noo-tohs pah-rah ah-say-goo-rahr kay sue k'wair-poe la toe-lay-rah
Should I trust the vaccine since it was rushed? ¿Debería confiar en esta vacuna, a pesar de que se apresuraron para crearla? This is a patient question.
It was not rushed— it was fast-tracked, using an established research method for vaccine production. All appropriate testing was done, and guidelines were followed. No se apresuraron para crearla— se rastreó más rápido de lo normal, utilizando un método de investigación establecido para la producción de vacunas. Se realizaron y se siguieron todas las pruebas y directrices apropiadas. no say ah-pray-sue-rah-rown pah-rah cray-ahr-la— say rah-stray-oh mahs rah-pee-doe day lo noar-mall, oo-tee-lee-sahn-doe oon may-toe-doe day een-bay-stee-gah-see-own ace-tah-blay-see-doe pah-rah la proh-dook-see-own day bah-koo-nahs. say ray-ah-lee-sah-rown ee say see-guee-air-own toe-dahs lahs proo-ay-bahs ee dee-rake-tree-sace ah-pro-pee-ah-dahs
Will the vaccine give me COVID? ¿La vacuna me dará el COVID? This is a patient question.
No, although you may have some mild symptoms for a few days; this is your body building immunity and is completely normal. No, aunque es posible que sufra de algunos síntomas ligeros por algunos días; eso es su cuerpo creando la inmunidad, lo cual es completamente normal. no, ah-oon-kay ace po-see-blay kay sue-frah day all-goo-nohs seen-toe-mahs lee-hair-ohs pour all-goo-nohs dee-ahs; ay-so ace sue k’wair-po cray-ahn-doe la een-moo-knee-dod, lo k’wall ace comb-play-tah-main-tay noar-mall
What is the vaccine? ¿Qué es la vacuna? This is a patient question.
What is in the vaccine? ¿Qué contiene la vacuna? / ¿Qué está en la vacuna? This is a patient question.
What are the ingredients of the vaccine? ¿Cuáles son los ingredientes de la vacuna? This is a patient question.
mRNA, lipids— the ingredients are published on Pfizer's and Moderna's websites. mRNA, lípidos— los ingredientes han sido publicados en los sitios en la Red de Pfizer y Moderna. ay-may ay-ray ay-nay ah, lee-pee-dohs— lohs een-gray-dee-ain-tace ahn see-doe poo-blee-kah-dohs ain lohs see-tee-ohs ain la raid day Pfizer ee Moderna
Does the vaccine include a tracking device? ¿La vacuna incluye un dispositivo para rastrear? This is a patient question.
No. No. no
Will the vaccine alter my DNA? ¿La vacuna alterará mi ADN? This is a patient question.
No. The vaccine helps cells develop a response to the spikes on COVID. Once that happens, the vaccine mRNA is destroyed and eliminated. No. La vacuna ayuda a que las células desarrollen una respuesta a los números altos de COVID. Una vez que eso suceda, la vacuna mRNA es destruida y eliminada. no. la bah-koo-nah ah-you-dah a kay lahs say-loo-lahs day-sah-row-yain oo-nah race-p’wace-tah ah lohs noo-may-rohs all-tohs day koh-beed. oo-nah bace kay ay-so sue-say-dah, la bah-koo-nah ay-may ay-ray ay-nay ah ace dace-true-ee-dah ee ay-lee-me-nah-dah
Do I need the vaccine if I had COVID? ¿Necesito recibir la vacuna si tuve COVID? This is a patient question.
The CDC is recommending that even if you have had COVID you should get the vaccine. El CDC recomienda que aun cuando tuvo COVID debería recibir la vacuna. ale say day say ray-koh-me-ain-dah kay ah-oon k'wahn-doe too-bow koh-beed day-bay-ree-ah ray-see-beer la bah-koo-nah
How long should I wait to get the COVID vaccine after having COVID? ¿Cuánto tiempo debería esperar para recibir la vacuna de COVID después de tener COVID? This is a patient question.
While there is no recommended minimum interval between infection and vaccination, current evidence suggests that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection is low in the months after initial infection but may increase with time due to waning immunity. Mientras que no se ha recomendado un intervalo mínimo entre la infección y la vacunación, la evidencia actual sugiere que el riesgo de reinfección con SARS-CoV-2 es bajo en los meses después de la infección inicial pero podría incrementar con el tiempo debido a que la inmunidad puede disminuir. me-ain-trahs kay no say ah ray-koh-main-dah-doe oon een-tair-bah-lo me-knee-mo ain-tray la een-fake-see-own ee la bah-koo-nah-see-own, la ay-bee-dain-see-ah ahk-too-all sue-he-ay-ray kay ale re-ace-go day ray-een-fake-see-own cone sars-koh-bee-dohs ace ba-ho ain lohs may-sace dace-p'wace day la een-fake-see-own ee-knee-see-all pay-row po-dree-ah een-cray-main-tar cone ale tee-aim-poe day-bee-doe ah kay la een-moo-knee-dod p’way-day dees-meen-oo-ear
Do I need the vaccine if I am young? ¿Necesito la vacuna si soy joven? This is a patient question.
Even some young people have become seriously ill from COVID. Also, young people are often asymptomatic and can be spreading the virus unknowingly. Aun las personas jóvenes se han enfermado seriamente debido al COVID. También, los jóvenes con frecuencia no muestran ningún síntoma, y pueden propagar el virus sin saberlo. ah-oon lahs pair-so-nahs ho-bay-nace say ahn ain-fair-mah-doe say-ree-ah-main-tay day-bee-doe all koh-beed. Tahm-bee-ain, lohs ho-bay-nace cone fray-k'wayne-see-ah no m’way-strahn neen-goon seen-toe-mah, ee p’way-dane pro-pah-gahr ale bee-roose seen sah-bare-lo
Can I stop wearing a mask and social distancing after I get the vaccine? ¿Puedo dejar de usar la mascarilla / el tapabocas y el distanciamiento social después que reciba la vacuna? This is a patient question.
No. Even though you have been vaccinated, you have to protect others who have not been or cannot be vaccinated. No. Aun cuando usted haya sido vacunado/a, tiene que proteger a otros que no han sido o no pueden ser vacunados. no. ah-oon k’wahn-doe oo-staid ah-yah see-doe bah-koo-nah-doe/dah, tee-ay-nay kay pro-tay-hair ah oh-trohs kay no ahn see-doe oh no p’way-dane sair bah-koo-nah-dohs
Why are you mixing two medicines? ¿Por qué está mezclando dos medicinas? This is a patient question.
Why are you mixing two vaccines? ¿Por qué está mezclando dos vacunas? This is a patient question.
Why are you mixing two vials? ¿Por qué está mezclando dos viales? This is a patient question.
Is this two different vaccines? ¿Son dos vacunas diferentes? This is a patient question.
This process is called reconstitution. Este proceso se llama la rehidratación. ace-tay pro-say-so say yah-ma la ray-ee-drah-tah-see-own
I am mixing it with salt water. Estoy mezclándola con agua salada. ace-toy mace-klahn-doe-la cone ah-g’wah sah-la-dah
It is only one medication. Es sólo una medicina. ace so-lo oo-nah may-dee-see-nah
This is how the vaccine is manufactured. Reconstitution is required. Es cómo se fabrica la vacuna. Se requiere la rehidratación. ece koh-moh say fah-bree-kah la bah-koo-nah. say ray-key-ay-ray la ray-ee-drah-tah-see-own
Some vaccines need to be mixed to achieve the proper dose. Es necesario mezclar algunas vacunas para conseguir la dosis correcta. ace nay-say-sah-ree-oh mace-k’lahr all-goo-nahs bah-koo-nahs pah-rah cone-say-gear la doe-sees ko-rake-tah

4. Administration of the Vaccine

The following chart provides important language and instructions for patients regarding the actual administration of a vaccine.

English Spanish Pronunciation
You can come with me for the administration of the vaccine. Puede venir conmigo para la administración de la vacuna. p’way-day bay-near cone-me-go pa-rah la ahd-me-knee-strah-see-own day la bah-koo-nah
Sit down (here), please. Siéntese (aquí), por favor. see-ain-tay-say (ah-key) pour-fah-bore
First, I am going to take your temperature. Primero, voy a tomarle la temperatura. pre-may-row boy ah toe-mar-lay la tame-pair-ah-too-rah
In which arm do you prefer to receive the injection? ¿En qué brazo prefiere recibir la inyección? ain kay bra-so pray-fee-air-ay ray-see-beer la een-yake-see-own
Roll up your sleeve, please. Arremánguese, por favor. ah-ray-mahn-gay-say pour fah-bore
This is an intramuscular vaccine. Esta es una vacuna intramuscular. ace-tah ace oo-nah bah-koo-nah een-trah-moose-koo-lahr
This is a subcutaneous vaccine. Esta es una vacuna subcutánea. ace-tah ace oo-nah bah-koo-nah sewb-koo-tah-nay-ah
I will administer the vaccine here. Voy a administrar la vacuna aquí. boy ah ahd-me-knee-strahr la bah-koo-nah ah-key

For directions on administering a COVID test, please see the "COVID-19 Swab Instructions" document provided in Spanish with audio accompaniment in the "Additional Resources" area of this course.

5. Aftercare

The following chart provides important instructions and information for patients about post-vaccine care.

English Spanish Pronunciation
This vaccine could cause soreness in the arm. Esta vacuna puede causar dolor muscular en el brazo. ace-tah bah-koo-nah p’way-day kau-sar doe-lore moose-koo-lahr ain ale bra-so
This vaccine could cause soreness at the injection site. Esta vacuna puede causar dolor en el sitio de la inyección. ace-tah bah-koo-nah p’way-day kau-sar doe-lore ain ale see-tee-oh day la een-yake-see-own
You may take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for the soreness. Puede tomar el ibuprofeno o el acetaminofén para el dolor. p’way-day toe-mar ale ee-boo-pro-fay-no ale ah-see-tah-me-no-fane pah-rah ale doe-lore
You may feel tired for a few days. Esta vacuna puede causar la fatiga por algunos días. ace-tah bah-koo-nah p’way-day kau-sar la fah-tee-gah pour all-goo-nohs dee-ahs
Call us if… Llámenos si… ya-may-nohs see
Call your doctor if… Lláme a su doctor si… ya-may ah sue doke-tore see
…you have difficulty breathing. …tenga dificultad en respirar. tain-gah dee-fee-cool-todd ain race-pee-rar
…you have any other side effects from the vaccine. …tenga otros efectos secundarios de la vacuna. tain-gah oh-trohs ay-fake-tohs say-coon-dah-ree-ohs day la bah-koo-nah
…you have a more serious side effect from the vaccine. …tenga un efecto secundario más grave de la vacuna. tain-gah oon ay-fake-toh say-coon-dah-ree-oh mahs grah-bay day la bah-koo-nah
There are (#) vaccines in this series. Hay (#) vacunas en esta serie. eye (#) bah-koo-nahs ain ace-tah say-ree-ay
This vaccine is one in a series of three. Esta vacuna es una dosis en una serie de tres. ace-tah bah-koo-nah ace oo-nah doe-sees ain oo-nah say-ree-ay day trace
This vaccine is the first / second / third in a series of two / three. Esta vacuna es la primera / segunda / tercera dosis en una serie de dos / tres. ace-tah bah-koo-nah ace la pre-may-rah / say-goo-dah/ tare-say-rah doe-sees ain oo-nah say-ree-ay day dohs / trace
You should receive the next / second / third vaccine in this series. Debe recibir la próxima / segunda / tercera dosis en esta serie. day-bay ray-see-beer la proke-see-ma / say-goo-dah/ tare-say-rah doe-sees ain ace-tah say-ree-ay
You should receive the next vaccination in this series in (#) days / months. Debe recibir la próxima dosis en esta serie en (#) días / meses. day-bay ray-see-beer la proke-see-ma doe-sees ain ace-tah say-ree-ay ain (#) dee-ahs / mace-ace
This is the last vaccine in this series. Esta es la última dosis en esta serie. ace-tah ace la ool-tee-ma doe-sees ain ace-tah say-ree-ay
Do you have your immunization records? ¿Tiene su registro de vacunas? tee-ay-nay sue ray-he-strow day bah-koo-nahs
Please make a note of when you received this vaccine. Apunte la fecha de esta vacuna, por favor. ah-poon-tay la fay-chah day ace-tah bah-koo-nah pour fah-bore
Do you have a primary care physician that should receive a copy of this vaccination today? ¿Tiene un médico / una médica de atención primaria que debe recibir una copia de esta vacuna que recibió hoy? tee-ay-nay oon may-dee-koh / oo-nah may-dee-kah day ah-tain-see-own pre-mah-ree-ah kay day-bay ray-see-beer oo-nah ko-pee-ah day ace-tah bah-koo-nah kay ray-see-bee-oh oh-ee
Do you need a receipt of this vaccination? ¿Necesita una copia del recibo de esta vacuna? nay-say-see-tah oo-nah ko-pee-ah dale ray-see-bo day ace-tah bah-koo-nah
Would you like for us to fax this to your primary care physician? ¿Quiere que mandemos una copia del recibo de esta vacuna a su médico de atención primaria? key-air-ay kay mahn-day-mohs oo-nah ko-pee-ah dale ray-see-bow day ace-tah bah-koo-nah ah sue may-dee-koh day ah-tain-see-own pre-mah-ree-ah
Do you need a copy for your records? ¿Necesita una copia para su archivo? Nay-say-see-tah oo-nah ko-pee-ah pah-rah sue are-chee-bow
This is the vaccine information sheet. It will contain lots more information. Esta es la hoja de información sobre la vacuna. Contiene mucha información más. ace-tah ace la oh-ha day een-for-ma-see-own so-bray la bah-koo-nah. cone-tee-ay-nay moo-chah een-for-ma-see-own mahs

6. Clinical Trial Questions and Answers

The following chart provides some answers you can give if patients have questions about vaccines that are undergoing clinical trials.

English Spanish Pronunciation
How do I know if I got the trial drug or the placebo? ¿Cómo puedo saber si recibí la droga de prueba o el placebo? This is a patient question.
No one knows, as trials are double-blind to avoid bias. Nadie lo puede saber, ya que las pruebas son doble ciego para evitar la preferencia. nah-dee-ay lo p’way-day sah-bare, yah kay lahs proo-ay-bahs soan doe-blay see-ay-go pah-rah ay-bee-tar la pray-fay-rain-see-ah
Is it safe to get this vaccine / shot? ¿Es seguro recibir esta vacuna / inyección? This is a patient question.
We are closely watching for side effects, but this is a Phase (#) trial, so (#) people have already received the shot. Estamos siguiendo de muy cerca los efectos secundarios, pero esta es una prueba en la fase número (#), por lo que (#) personas ya han recibido la vacuna. ay-stah-mohs see-guee-ain-doe day mo-ee sair-kah lohs ay-fake-tohs say-koon-dah-ree-ohs, pay-row ace-tah ace oo-nah proo-ay-bah ain la fah-say noo-may-row (#), pour lo kay (#) pair-so-nahs yah ahn ray-see-bee-doe la bah-koo-nah
What side effects should I watch for? ¿Qué efectos secundarios debería tener en mente? This is a patient question.
It varies depending on the vaccine, but the number one side effect for most vaccinations is localized tenderness at the injection site. Eso varía dependiendo de la vacuna, pero el efecto secundario más común para la mayoría de las vacunas es dolor en el lugar donde se reciba la inyección. ay-so bah-ree-ah day-pain-dee-ain-doe day la bah-koo-nah, pay-row ale ay-fake-toe say-koon-dah-ree-oh mahs koh-moon pah-rah la mah-yore-ee-ah day lahs bah-koo-nahs ace doe-lore ain oon loo-gar doan-day say ray-see-bah la een-yake-see-own
I don't want to be a guinea pig. No quiero ser un animal de laboratorio. This is a patient response.
I don't want to be practiced on. No quiero que practiquen conmigo. This is a patient response.
Participating in the trial can help you and your loved ones. But it is not required that you participate. Participar en la prueba puede ayudar tanto a usted como a sus seres queridos. Pero no se requiere que participe. par-tee-see-par ain la proo-ay-bah p’way-day ah-you-dar tahn-toe ah oo-staid koh-moh ah suess kay-ree-dohs. pay-row no say ray-key-ay-ray kay par-tee-see-pay
Your consent is required, and you can opt out at any time. Nosotros requerimos su consentimiento, y puede decir "no" en cualquier momento. no-so-trohs ray-kay-ree-mohs sue cone-sane-tee-me-ain-toe, ee p’way-day day-seer "no" ain k'wall-key-air mo-main-toe

try it
Now that you have learned this vocabulary, use the video below to practice interacting with a patient.

In this lesson, you learned how to tell patients what they need to know about vaccinations. This includes the common types of vaccines they may need to receive, the screening questions you should ask before a vaccine is given, and some common patient questions along with suggested answers. You also learned how to discuss the administration of the vaccine and any instructions for aftercare that will be helpful for patients. Finally, you learned some clinical trial questions and answers for situations where patients are wondering about a vaccine that is currently being evaluated.

¡Buena suerte!


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Source: This content has been adapted from "Spanish for Nurses" by Stephanie Langston.