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Author: Erick Taggart

Source: sleeping man: public domain;

Video Transcript

Notes for "Variables"

Terms to Know


Any condition that can change and might have an effect on the experiment.

Independent Variable

Condition altered by the experimenter; experimenter sets their size, amount, or value.  These are predicted cause for behavioral differences.

Dependent Variable

Measures the results of the experiment;  condition is affected by independent variable.

Extraneous Variables

Conditions that a researcher wants to prevent from affecting the outcomes of the experiment.

Terms to Know
Dependent Variable

Measures the results of the experiment; condition is affected by independent variable

Extraneous Variable

Condition that a researcher wants to prevent from affecting the outcome of the experiment

Independent Variable

Condition altered by the experimenter; experimenter sets their size, amount, or value. These are predicted cause for behavioral differences.


Any condition that can change and might have an effect on the experiment