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Visual Learning - INTC Stockton

Author: Douglas Harvey

Tools for creating and presenting with visuals






There is a real power to allowing students to creatively express their knowledge and there are several very useful tools to help them with that: 

  1. One is Big Huge Labs, a website that allows you to create professional looking items (posters, magazine covers, trading cards) from photos or other images you collect.
  2. A popular visual tool in schools is Glogster, a site that allows you to make interactive web sites that look like posters or collages. Glogster has an educational arm ( ) that allows you as a teacher to control how students get into their glogs and keeps them from inappropriate content that is available on the commercial part of the site. Scroll down on the page to create a free account to try it out.
  3. You might also use MS Office products like PowerPoint, but try to get students beyond creating slides with lots of text that they read from. Here are some ideas for that: It can also be used by you as a teacher to support special education students ( )  
  4. You can use Prezi or  Powtoon  as alternative tools for making presentations that go beyond just text and transitions - make sure you and your students take advantage of the visual features of the tool. View this site: then for examples check out: or (especially the educational and zoom winners!)


Creating visuals that work - this is a very nice Prezi explaining the principles of visual presentation; very much worth viewing all the way through if you want to learn how to make visuals that truly enhance presentation of information and data

Infographics: Visualizing Data

David McCandless turns complex data sets, like worldwide military spending, media buzz, and Facebook status updates, into beautiful, simple diagrams that tease out unseen patterns and connections. Good design, he suggests, is the best way to navigate information glut -- and it may just change the way we see the world.

Creating Infographics

You can create infographics - visual representations of data - from scratch using free web tools. LIbrary consultant and educator Linda W. Braun takes you step by step through making your own infographic using and info.gram.

More info on data visualization