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Vital Signs

Author: Kathy Girard

Vital signs (V.S.) are measurements of body functions (heart, breathing, and temperature regulation) which are “vital” to life.  V.S. include taking the blood pressure, the temperature, counting the pulse, counting the rate of respirations, and observing and reporting the level of pain, which are also known as BP & TPR. Changes may indicate illness or a life threatening condition.

Vital signs (one or all) should be taken:

As ordered – on admission, monthly, weekly etc.
After a fall
c/o chest pain.

Factors that affect V.S. include:


Always protect patient privacy when taking vital signs! Take them to their room and pull privacy curtain or close the door. Remember confidentiality and do not discuss vital sign measurements in front of other people.

Source: Kathy Girard

Vital Signs Overview

This PP video will explain what Vital Signs are.Click here to view Vital Signs Overview

Source: Kathy Girard

PDF of Blood Pressure Script

This is the script for the 3 blood pressure videos in case they won't play.


Source: Kathy Girard, Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care

Blood Pressure 1

Blood Pressure

Source: Kathy Girard

Reading Blood Pressure

Source: YouTube Education

Taking Blood Pressure with Sounds of Heartbeat

This video will allow you to hear what a blood pressure sounds like

Source: YouTube education

Practice Activity

The following websites allow you to practice listening to and reading a BP:  You will have to scroll down to the blood pressure activity

Taking a Blood Pressure

This PDF outlines the steps for taking a blood pressure


Source: Kathy Girard

Demonstration of taking a blood pressure by Mrs. Girard

If it won't play try:

Source: Kathy Girard

PDF on Pulse

Describes what a pulse is, where pulse points are and how to take a pulse


Source: Kathy Girard

PP About Pulse

Describes what a pulse is, where pulse points are found and the ranges for a pulse

Source: Kathy Girard

Pulse PP

Guidelines for how to take a pulse

Source: Kathy Girard

video of PP

Source: Kathy Girard


Describes what a respiration is and how to take a respiration


Source: Kathy Girard

What are respirations and how to take a respiration

Source: Kathy Girard

Counting Respirations

Source: YouTubeEducation

state test - taking of respirations

Source: YouTube Education


Explains the different ways that a temperature can be taken and what a normal temperature should be.


Source: Kathy Girard


Source: Kathy Girard

Temperature part 2

Source: Kathy Girard

Taking a Patient's Temperature

Source: YouTube Education


Describes the importance of pain as the fifth vital sign


Source: Kathy Girard

Pain the Fifth Vital Sign

Source: Kathy Girard