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Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn how to calculate the volume of a rectangular prism and cylinder using formulas for volume. Specifically, this lesson will cover:

Table of Contents

1. Volume Formulas

Volume is the amount of space contained within a three-dimensional object. Shapes such as spheres, prisms, and cylinders are three-dimensional objects that take up a certain amount of space, which we can call its volume. We measure volume in cubic units. Here are some examples of cubic measurements:

straight m cubed cubic meters
ft cubed cubic feet
km cubed cubic kilometers

With these measurements, we can easily tell they are cubic measurements because they include an exponent of three. Not all cubic measurements have this visual clue. For example, the liter is abbreviated with the letter L, and does not contain an exponent of three, yet it is a cubic measurement (it measures liquid volume, and is actually equivalent to 1000 cubic centimeters).

There are several formulas for finding the volumes of different shapes. We are going to focus on the volumes of a rectangular prism, cylinder, and sphere. Here are the formulas to know:

formula to know
Volume of a Rectangular Prism
V equals l w h, where V is volume, l is length, w is width, and h is height

rectangular prism with length l, width w, and height h


Take a look at the figure below:

To find the volume, we simply multiply all of the dimensions together. This includes the units of measurement.

left parenthesis 3 space ft right parenthesis left parenthesis 2.5 space ft right parenthesis left parenthesis 2 space ft right parenthesis space equals space 15 space ft cubed

formula to know
Volume of a Cylinder
V equals pi space r squared h, where V is volume, r is the radius of the circular base, h is height, and π is approximately 3.14

cylinder with radius r and height h


Find the volume of the following cylinder:

To find the volume, we first square the radius of the circular base, and then we multiply by pi and the height. Remember that the order of operations dictates exponents before multiplication, so that's why we square the radius before multiplying anything.

V equals πr squared straight h Formula for the volume of a cylinder
V equals straight pi open parentheses 2.5 space in close parentheses squared times 4 space in Substitute radius length and height
V equals 6.25 straight pi space in squared times 4 space in Square the radius
V equals 25 straight pi space in cubed Multiply by 4 inches
V equals 78.5 space in cubed Our Solution, using straight pi equals 3.14

Notice that some of these formulas include the number, pi. Pi is an important number. Pi is a constant irrational number equal to 3.14159265… If you need to give a decimal approximation, use pi equals 3.14

formula to know
Volume of a Sphere
V equals 4 over 3 pi space r cubed, where V is volume, r is the radius, and π is approximately 3.14

sphere with radius r


Find the volume of the sphere pictured below:

The only piece of information we are given is the radius of the sphere, but this is all we need to calculate the volume. Just like with the volume of a cylinder, first we apply the exponent. After cubing the radius, we multiply it by pi and then by four-thirds.

V equals 4 over 3 πr cubed Formula for the volume of a sphere
V equals 4 over 3 straight pi open parentheses 3.2 space cm close parentheses cubed Substitute radius length
V equals 4 over 3 straight pi times 32.77 space cm cubed Cube the radius
V equals 43.69 straight pi space cm cubed Multiply by 4 over 3
V equals 137.19 space cm cubed Our Solution, using straight pi equals 3.14

To leave your answer as an exact value, you can choose to leave pi as π multiplied by a number. If you need to give a decimal approximation, use π = 3.14.

term to know
The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter; approximately equal to 3.14.

2. Finding Side Lengths or Radii Given the Volume

In our previous examples, we used given measurements for side lengths and radii to calculate the volume of a three-dimensional object. In the following examples, we are going to use a given measurement of volume to calculate a side length or a radius. We will use the same formulas, but in a different way.


Find the side length of a rectangular prism:

Dividing both sides of the equation by the length and the height will do two things: first, it will cancel the length and the width from one side of the equation, leaving just an expression for the width.

fraction numerator 117.6 space cm cubed over denominator open parentheses 3.5 space cm close parentheses open parentheses 11.2 space cm close parentheses end fraction equals x space cm

Second, it can help us cancel the cubic units on the other side if the equation, leaving our answer in linear centimeters. (Linear centimeters just means regular centimeters we are used to measure. We would only say "linear" if we wanted to make it clear that it isn't square centimeters or cubic centimeters.)

Now we can perform the numeric division on the left side of the equation. This is our solution for the width of the prism:

fraction numerator 117.6 space cm cubed over denominator open parentheses 3.5 space cm close parentheses open parentheses 11.2 space cm close parentheses end fraction Divide volume by length and height
fraction numerator 117.6 space cm cubed over denominator 39.2 space cm squared end fraction Simplify denominator
3 space cm Our Solution

Lastly, let's use a volume formula to solve for an unknown radius.


Find the radius for the sphere below:

We are given the volume as 65.45 cubic inches, with an unknown radius. Substituting known information into the formula for the volume of a sphere, we have:

64.45 space in cubed equals 4 over 3 πr cubed

How can we isolate r? Look at the numbers and operations surrounding the variable r. It is being raised to the power of 3, and then multiplied by 4 over 3 straight pi. We need to undo this by applying inverse operations, but also in reverse order. This means first we need to undo the multiplication by 4 over 3 straight pi comma and then undo the power of 3.

fraction numerator 64.45 space in cubed over denominator begin display style 4 over 3 straight pi end style end fraction equals r cubed Volume of a Sphere Formula
15.39 space in cubed equals r cubed Divide both sides by 4 over 3 straight pi
cube root of 15.39 space in cubed end root equalscube root of r cubed end root Apply the cube root of both sides
2.48 space in equals r Our Solution

Note that 4 over 3 straight pi is a number, so it can be divide in one step. One strategy is to evaluate 4 over 3 straight pi first and then divide it through both sides of the equation. Another strategy is to divide by 4 over 3 first (or multiply by the reciprocal), and then divide by pi. You could also first divide by pi, and then divide by 4 over 3 (or multiply by the reciprocal). These are all valid methods.

Volume is the amount of space that's enclosed in a three-dimensional object. Because volume is the amount of space in a three-dimensional object, it uses cubic units, such as feet cubed or centimeters cubed. Volume formulas for three different three-dimensional objects include volume of a rectangular prism (which includes a cube), the volume of a cylinder, and the volume of a sphere. We can also find side lengths or radii given the volume by using the formulas in a different way.


Terms to Know
Pi (π)

The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter; approximately equal to 3.14.

Formulas to Know
Volume of Cylinder

V subscript c y l i n d e r end subscript equals pi r squared h

Volume of Rectangular Prism

V subscript r e c t. p r i s m end subscript equals l w h

Volume of Sphere

V subscript s p h e r e end subscript equals 4 over 3 pi r cubed