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Walter the Baker

Author: Keisha Baker

Questions to think about as you read/listen to Walter the Baker?

1. Should the Duke be able to send Walter away?

2.  Why did Walter want to stay?

3.  Why did the Duke want Walter to stay?

Walter the Baker by Eric Carle

Source: Lisa Foreman

Walter the Baker Vocabulary

Walter the Baker Vocabulary


banish - (v.) \ˈba-nish\ : to send (someone or something) away

desperation- (n.) \ˌdes-pə-ˈrā-shən\ :a strong feeling of sadness, fear, and loss of hope

duchess- (n.) \ˈdə-chəs\: the wife or widow of a duke

duchy- (n.) \ˈdə-chē\: an area of land that is controlled by a duke or duchess

duke- (n.) \ˈdük also ˈdyük\: a man of very high rank in the British nobility

: the ruler of an independent area of land

invent- (v.) \in-ˈvent\: to create or produce (something useful) for the first time

vain- (adj.) \ˈvān\: having no success : not producing a desired result


Answer the Questions

Now that you have read/listened to the story, answer the following questions:  


1.  Should the Duke be able to send Walter away?______________________________________________________________________




2. Why did Walter want to stay?________________________________________________________________________




3. Why did the Duke want Walter to stay?_________________________________________________________________________





Source: NC Learn

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