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What is Stress?

Author: Trudy Hy


  1. Take Pre-Test on Google Form
  2. Read and watch all following resources about stress
  3. Take Quiz
  4. Take Post-Test at the end. 


What is Stress and How Can You Deal With It?

Keep this question in mind. 

Click Here: What is Stress Slide Show

5 Tips to Deal With Stress

Tip 1: Identify the sources of stress in your life

Look closely at your habits, attitudes, and excuses

Tip 2:
Connect to others

Spend time with others who make you feel and good

Tip 3:
Make time for fun and relaxation

Self-care and laugh at yourself

Tip 4:
Manage your time better

Tip 5:
Maintain a balance life (Work v. Play)

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Portions of these materials have been incorporated under the Fair Use Guidelines and are restricted from further use.

The Big Questions

You will complete the questions in the google forms named Post-Test. 
