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Where Do I Fit When I Use an LMS in My Blended Learning Classroom?

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;

Notes on "Where Do I Fit When I Use an LMS in My Blended Learning Classroom?"

(00:00-00:39) Intro

(00:40-00:53) Objectives

(00:54-03:59) Potential Pitfalls

(04:00-07:43) Roles of Teachers

(07:44-09:38) How LMSs Can Help

(09:39-09:53) Review

(09:54-10:35) Reflection

Additional Resources

Teaching and Teachers in Blended Learning Models

This article defines the role of the teacher in a blended learning environment. Using a case study from Detroit, the article illustrates how teaching and learning shift in a blended learning environment. In addition, practical suggestions are offered for teacher training.

Wiki Book: Instructional Technology - Learning Management Systems and Benefits

This wiki book section focuses on the benefits of a LMS to students and parents. Links are provided to Moodle and Blackboard as examples of commonly used LMS systems.