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Where does rain come from?

Author: Savannah Lee

Have you ever wondered why it rains??

Lets get started. THE BIG QUESTION.

Watch this video to help you understand the water cycle.

The Water Cyle

Step 1: Evaporation

The water cycle starts with evaporation. It is the process where water at the surface turns into water vapors. 

Step 2: Condensation

As water vaporizes into into water vapor it rises up in the atmosphere. At high altitudes the water turns into small water droplets.

Step 3: Sublimation 

It is the process where ice directly converts into water vapors without converting into liquid water. This is a slower process than evaporation. 

Step 4: Precipitation 

The clouds then pour down as precipitation due to wind or temperature change. 

Step 5: Transpiration 

As water precipitates, some of it is absorbed by the soil. 

Step 6: Runoff 

As water pours down, it leads to runoff. Runoff is the process where water runs of to the surface of the earth. 

Step 7: Infiltration

Some of the water that precipitates does not runoff into the rivers and is absorbed by the plants or gets evaporated. It moves deep into the soil. This is called infiltration.

Watch this video to see where rain comes from.


Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Analyzing data in K–2 builds on prior experiences and progresses to
collecting, recording, and sharing observations.
Use observations (firsthand or from media) to describe patterns in
the natural world in order to answer scientific questions. (K-ESS2-1

ESS2.D: Weather and Climate

Weather is the combination of sunlight, wind, snow or
rain, and temperature in a particular region at a
particular time. People measure these conditions to
describe and record the weather and to notice patterns
over time. (K-ESS2-1)