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Why Basic Math?

Author: Kathy Girard

Why Basic Math Skills

Health care workers use math to complete a variety of medical functions. These functions range from simple data collection to more complex computations. Although the type of math used varies within each specific health career role, a firm grasp of mathematics is needed to help avoid medical error. Learning the ways that math is used in health care gives you a better understanding and appreciation for the skills needed to maintain a safe health care environment.

Learn to take accurate measurements. In all areas of health care recording accurate measurements is critical. Using the appropriate equipment and measurement systems is essential to gathering patient information. Know the standard units used in each collection process. For example, patient weight is generally recorded in pounds. Use conversion formulas when necessary. Learn the metric units and their English system equivalents for effective conversions. Health care workers commonly use this type of computational math.

Learn to calculate medication dosages. Read the dosage guidelines to determine standard dosage ranges for the given medication. Use an accurate scale to measure the patient's weight. Enter the resulting weight into the given equation to determine the appropriate amount of medication to administer.

To record accurate measurements, you need to have basic math skills including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers. You also need to have basic skills in decimals and fractions. For this lesson, it is assumed that you can handle basic whole number problems such as these: 4 x 9 = 36   and   32 ÷ 8 = 4. If you are already proficient with math skills, this topic will be a good review.

Throughout this lesson, it will be helpful to have a pencil and a piece of paper close by to help solve some of the math problems as they are presented.

Source: LTC Healthcore