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Why Do We Need Bees?

Author: Bridgett Allen

Start Here:

Today you are going to click through the resources below to find out why we depend on bees. How we can save the bees and and what would happen if there were no bees. Then complete the quiz and assignment at the bottom of the page. 

Honey Bee Anatomy

Source: M. (2016, May 01). Honey Bee Anatomy Printable Lesson. Retrieved from


Source: Cross-pollination-001. (2016, November 19). Retrieved from

Imagine a world with no blueberries, apples, grapes, almonds, olives and many more fruits and vegetables we like to eat. 

Source: Bees – Kids Growing Strong. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Final Question

In a google docs share with me your responses to the following questions:

1) Explain why we depend on bees? 

2) What might happen to our ecosystem if there were no bees?

3) Explain one action that we can do to help save the bees? (Citing evidence from the text)