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Wind Turbine Design Project

Author: Saradhia Voltaire

How can the power of wind be used to power up a light?

Insrtuction: (a) View the video. (b) Take notes in your journal (3) take the 4 question quiz. 5. You can follow the instructions to build your own Wind turbine that demonstrates the use of wind to power a motor and generate enough electricity to light an LED.

Source: youtube:Exploratorium Teacher Institute

WIND TURBINES | STEM Renewable Energy Lab

STUDENT Designed WIND TURBINES | STEM Renewable Energy Lab

Source: Youtube: Science Classroom

Plastic bottle Wind Turbine

Students design and build the most effieient wind turbines using limited supplies. Disclaimer: we defined "efficient" as being the most rotations per minute.

Source: youtube: Amazing Ideas Channel

Wind Turbine Design using a Aluminum can

Source: youtube: