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Wound Management

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn how to instruct patients on proper treatment of their injuries. Specifically, this lesson will cover:
  1. El Tratamiento de Heridas (Wound Management)

1. El Tratamiento de Heridas (Wound Management)

The following statements will be useful when you need to tell patients how you are treating their wounds, and how they will need to manage their treatment going forward.

English Spanish Pronunciation
I'm going to change the dressing on your ____ (name of body part). Voy a cambiar las vendas en su ____ (name of body part). boy ah kahm-bee-are lahs bain-dahs ain sue ____ (name of body part)
You need to change your dressing every ____ hours / day(s) / other day / time it is saturated. Usted necesita cambiar sus vendas cada ____ horas / día(s) / otro día / vez que estén saturadas. oo-staid nay-say-see-tah kahm-bee-are suess bain-dahs kah-dah ____ oh-rahs / dee-ah(s) / oh-troh dee-ah / bace kay ace-tain sah-too-rah-dahs
Your dressing is a wet-to-dry dressing. Sus vendas son del tipo húmedo a seco. suess bain-dahs sone dale tee-po oo-may-doe ah say-koh
Your dressing is a dry dressing. Sus vendas son del tipo seco. suess bain-dahs sone dale tee-po say-koh
You need to use sterile technique when you change the dressing. Usted necesita usar una técnica estéril cuando cambie las vendas. oo-staid nay-sah-see-tah oo-sar oo-nah take-knee-kah ay-stair-eel k'wahn-doe k'ahm-bee-ay lahs bain-dahs
Wet-to-dry dressing: First, gather all your supplies. Remove the old dressing and throw it in the garbage. Note the color, smell and consistency of any drainage.

Open the ____ (type of fluid: Dakin's, NS, sterile water). Poor it on the sterile bandage(s). Don your sterile gloves. Pack the wound tightly with the wet bandage(s). Cover it with the dry bandages. Secure the bandage.
Vendas tipo húmedo a seco: Primeramente, reúna todos sus suministros. Remueva las vendas viejas y deséchelas en la basura. Note el color, el olor y la consistencia de cualquier secreción.

Abra el ____ (type of fluid: Dakin's, NS, agua estéril). Colóquelo en las vendas estériles. Póngase sus guantes esterilizados. Cubra la herida muy bien con las vendas húmedas. Cúbrala con las vendas secas. Asegure las vendas.
bain-dahs tee-po oo-may-doe ah say-koh: pree-may-rah-main-tay ray-oo-nah toe-dohs suess sue-me-knee-strohs. Ray-m'way-bah lahs bain-dahs bee-ay-hahs ee day-say-chay-lahs ain lah bah-sue-rah. No-tay ale koh-lore ale oh-lore ee lah cone-sees-tane-see-ah day k'wall-key-air say-cray-see-own.

ah-brah ale (type of fluid: dah-keens ay-nay ay-say ah-g'wah ace-tay-reel). ko-low-kay-lo ain lahs bain-dahs ace-tay-reel-ace. Pone-gah-say suess g'wahn-tace ay-stair-ee-lee-sah-dohs. Koo-brah lah ay-ree-dah moo-ee bee-ain cone lahs bain-dahs oo-may-dahs. Koo-brah-lah cone lahs bain-dahs say-cahs. ah-say-goo-ray lahs bain-dah.
Sterile dry dressing: First, gather all your supplies. Remove the old dressing and throw it in the garbage.

Note the color, smell, and consistency of any drainage. Don your sterile gloves. Pack the wound with dry bandages. Secure the bandage.
Vendas estériles tipo secas: Primeramente, reúna todos sus suministros. Remueva las vendas viejas y deséchelas en la basura.

Note el color, el olor, y la consistencia de cualquier secreción. Póngase sus guantes esterilizados. Cubra la herida muy bien con las vendas secas. Asegure las vendas.
bain-dahs ace-tay-ree-lace tee-po say-kahs: pree-may-rah-main-tay ray-oo-nah toe-dohs suess sue-me-knee-strohs. Ray-m'way-bah lahs bain-dahs bee-ay-hahs ee day-say-chay-lahs ain lah bah-sue-rah.

No-tay ale koh-lore ale oh-lore ee lah cone-sees-tane-see-ah day k'wall-key-air say-cray-see-own. Pone-gah-say suess g'wahn-tace ay-stair-ee-lee-sah-dohs. Koo-brah lah ay-ree-dah moo-ee bee-ain cone lahs bain-dahs say-kahs. koo-brah-lah cone lahs bain-dahs say-cahs. Ah-say-goo-ray lahs bain-dahs
Non-sterile dry dressing: First, gather all your supplies. Remove the old dressing and throw it in the garbage.

Note the color, smell, and consistency of any drainage. Pack the wound with dry bandages. Secure the bandage.
Vendas no estériles tipo secas: Primeramente, reúna todos sus suministros. Remueva las vendas viejas y deséchelas en la basura.

Note el color, el olor, y la consistencia de cualquier secreción. Cubra la herida muy bien con las vendas secas. Asegure las vendas.
bain-dahs no ace-tay-ree-lace tee-po say-kahs: pree-may-rah-main-tay ray-oo-nah toe-dohs suess sue-me-knee-strohs. ray-m'way-bah lahs bain-dahs bee-ay-hahs ee day-say-chay-lahs ain lah bah-sue-rah.

no-tay ale koh-lore ale oh-lore ee lah cone-sees-tane-see-ah day k'wall-key-air say-cray-see-own. koo-brah lah ay-ree-dah moo-ee bee-ain cone lahs bain-dahs say-kahs. koo-brah-lah cone lahs bain-dahs say-cahs. ah-say-goo-ray lahs bain-dahs.

In this lesson, you learned how to explain proper wound management to patients. These instructions are very important because they will ensure that patients know how to properly care for their injuries after treatment.

¡Buena suerte!


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Source: This content has been adapted from "Spanish for Nurses" by Stephanie Langston.